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Yuta was back home with his family. He had his rib bandaged as he was trying to bake a cake for little baejin's birthday. Being an only child and constantly spoiled, he found cake baking pretty challenging. However, he wanted to do something for Baejin.

"Does the egg go in before the milk or does the milk go in before the egg?" Yuta scratched the back of his head. He quickly snatched up the box with his free hand looking over the instructions. "Must add in one egg.... yeah yeah I got that part." Yuta threw the box somewhere in the kitchen. 

After adding all of the ingredients he pushed the cake into the oven and set a timer on his phone. "Siri set 15 minutes on the timer."

"Ok setting 15 minutes"

"Oh you're such a doll!" Yuta compliments the device before running upstairs to change out of the clothes that he was wearing. 

Before he could step foot on his red velvety carpet someone just had to pick him up.

"Hey put me down. I need to change."

Mark walked the opposite way that yuta wanted to go. He instead carried yuta down the hall to his study. "No, you look fine."

"I have cake batter all over my clothes. If this is what you call fine then I will hate to know what you call ugly."

Mark made a confused face while still keeping his eye forward. "Well I don't know what you mean by that." Mark placed yuta down and opened his study door. He moved out of the way so Yuta could walk into the office.

The desk had papers spread out all over it. The room reeked of self pity and it was all around dead. He has only been back for three days but the linger of that tragic event that happened still was very much prominent in his mind. 

"You missed this place so much that you would even tune me out?" Mark tilts his head to the side before sitting in his spinning auburn brown chair. He slightly chuckled as yuta rolled his eyes. 

Mark reached his hand over to his cookie jar and took out an oreo. He handed it over to Yuta who more likely snatched it out of his hand. Mark didn't care. The only thing he cared about was yuta.

"Yuta I need to ask you something...." Mark slowly trailed off with his words. He didn't know how to ask Yuta what he wanted to ask him. Nevertheless he needed to for the upcoming trial. Somehow they always get drawn into a trial. 

Yuta looked at Mark with those almond doe eyes. He blinked a couple of times not knowing what Mark wanted. He couldn't read minds but he wished he could. "What is it? Wait, is it something bad?"

"No it isn't particularly bad?" Mark's voice betrayed him. He didn't want it to sound like a question but it did. The truth was that it was bad. Yuta now has to testify against his kidnapper. That alone makes Mark scared; he can't imagine how yuta will feel.

"Mark what is it?" Yuta smashed the rest of the oreo in his mouth. He was waiting for Mark to say something but Mark just sat there for what felt like twenty minutes having a staring contest with his desk. 

"Hey Mark don't overreact. Just tell me."

Mark snapped his head up to yuta. "Right hehe." Mark began to fidget with his fingers and thumbs. He gulped down the lump in his throat and voiced it out. "The courts want you to testify against your kidnapper and they want an accurate story about what happened." Mark rushed everything together. By the end of the explanation Mark was a panting mess.

"Ok that's easy." Yuta shrugged off the pressure. He didn't mind telling his story and he didn't see why that little lion was getting work up for no reason. 

"Why were you so nervous? I have been through it before."

Mark knew Yuta was right. However deep down he felt like yuta wasn't getting enough time to breathe and function right. 

Everytime Mark looked up the press was battering yuta's name, many civilians hated yuta, and didn't even let him get started on the talk shows that always talked about the negative things.

Mark didn't know if yuta would handle even more stress but now he knows that he was wrong. "I just didn't know you would be willing to. Especially right after the kidnapping and all." 

Yuta smiled. He stood up and walked over to Mark. Yuta placed his left hands on Mark's right shoulder. He leaned his head on his chest and smiled. "You don't have to worry about me, I will be fine." 

Mark wrapped his arms around yuta pulling the older one closer so that there wasn't any space left in between their bodies. Mark looked down while Yuta looked up. It was like a magical scene that Yuta was deprived of for more than two months. 

Their eyes and hearts said different things, but their feelings were real. Yuta missed the sweet nicknames. He missed messing with Mark to the point where the younger would almost literally throw his ass in a trash can. 

Mark hated to remember pushing yuta on a back burner. He felt like he left yuta to die. But he loved the older so much. He missed the petty arguments and the little things.

Even with all of these feelings, both of them know for a fact that something was missing. Their relationship was floating on thin ice and it is clear to them, but not to the naked eye. 

Everything was excellent, however there was a hole in their hearts. It wasn't filled to overflow anymore. Trust has been broken and bonds have been mend. Now both of them know that it's time to find their missing puzzle piece.

Mark moved his arm so that he could rub yuta's head. The now blonde head was smiling while Mark leaned in for a smooch.

Beep beep beep

Yuta pulled back. His eyes wide, he looked to Mark who was also surprised.

"What?" Eyebrows furrowed while yuta rushed out of the office. 

"The cake!" He yelled all the way downstairs and until he had successfully removed the cake from the oven. He let out a breath of relief as he saw the cake was just perfect. 

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