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"So you want me to find yuta?" Sicheng raises his eyebrows completely confused. "Aish.... you know the last time I tried to go after yuta he smashed my car right?" Sicheng rubbed under his chin before looking to taeyong. 

"Yeah, wasn't that the third one that he smashed?" 

Sicheng frantically nodded his head yes. Sicheng wasn't an idiot. He completely got the message years ago that yuta was done with him. Although it broke his heart, he understood why. "I don't think this is...."

"If you don't I could lose yuta forever. I don't want that." Taeyong was now practically begging sicheng to get involved. The older one poked out his lip and made those sad eyes. "Please we need you."

Siched huffed out a puff of air. He really didn't see how he would even know where to start especially after his and Mark's altercation that happened a few years back. "I can see what I can do." Sicheng stood up and walked over to his study.

Sitting down at his desk he began to analyze all of the data. The data seemed misplaced. Working with what he had, Sicheng was able to find a suspect within fifteen minutes.

Nothing put more confidence in Taeyong's choice than sicheng actually exceeding what he had expected. "Sichengie is so cool." Taeyong cheered from the sidelines as sicheng continued to run a brain marathon.

"I didn't know Jackson had a half brother." Sicheng speaks slowly to himself, but that caught Taeyong's attention. Sicheng showed Taeyong a picture and an article. 

After reading over the long article, Taeyong and sicheng was able to come up with a suspect and a nice motive. "I can't believe we just put byun baekhyun to shame." Taeyong shook his head with his hands on hips.

"If you hate each other so much why don't you just let go?" Sicheng asked the once excited pink flame ball. 

Taeyong sat down before looking sicheng square in the eyes, "I love him too much to let him free." Taeyong began to play with the hem of his shirt. He felt embarrassed at the fact that he just mentioned it. Soon Taeyong whipped himself back into the game changer mindset.

"Let's find yuta!"

Mark kissed his assistant before going into his lobby. He walked past many of his employees as he fixed his black long tie that matched his classic black suit that had the white shirt under it. 

Hearing cheers as he walked passed Mark gave a simple head nod and a smile as he approached the flashing cameras. 

The cat was out of the bag. His relationship with his new assistant spread like wildfire among the press. 

Mark and his assistant topped headlines and even became a trending matter. Although Mark seemed fine he still felt like he had been missing something. Something that his assistant could never provide.

"Honey, why are you so sad? Do you need a quickie?" Speaking of the woman, her hand was on Mark's bottom as they walked towards the flashing cameras. Mark was feeling a little pissed at what she was doing, but he just calmly moved away. 

As Mark stepped out of the building to walk to his limo he was bombarded with questions. He ignored most of them but one of them got stuck in his mind. Are you with this secretary to avoid the loss of your fiance, Yuta Nakamoto?"  Darn, that woman broke in and entered yuta back in his mind.

Mark has accepted that yuta is gone. He had to learn that the chance of yuta coming back even if he is alive is very small. That slim chance made Mark anxious and restless.

It was a very vicious cycle. He would miss yuta then cry for hours. At the end his assistant was the one to pick him back up. She was the one to make him remember what love felt like, but without him even knowing she made him forget yuta. 

Yuta was out of sight and mind now when it came to Mark. But that question made it hard for him to keep the older out of mind. 

Now yuta was able to stay in his mind rent free. 

Mark sat down in his limo while his assistant walked back through the crowd. After watching her enter the building safely Mark told his driver to drive off. 

After about ten minutes Mark was back at his house.  Mark walked around the building, and soon he came across Yuta's room. 

Mark remembers giving yuta this room because that's when yuta wasn't ready to sleep in the bed next to Mark.

He walked over touching everything just hoping that something in this dastardly room would give Mark a little of joy. But it didn't. 

Mark sighed and ruffled his blonde hair, but then something stopped him. He thought his mind was playing tricks on him, there was no way that he heard ticking.

Mark walked over to the watch that yuta had given him. Mark placed the clock to his ear only to hear it tick once. After hearing just one tick Mark felt confused but sorta happy at the same time.

"How do you only tick once? Are you trying to make me throw you in the garbage?" Mark clenched his jaw as he gently felt on the watch. "How? Why?" His tears dropped on the golden watch as it ticked one more time.

"I will throw you in the garbage can!." Mark had picked up yuta as the older. Yuta wouldn't show him what he had behind his back.

"You wouldn't dare throw me away when I got you a gift." Yuta's healing smile twinkle as the sun hits it. "I don't think you deserve my love." 

Mark started to pout. He put yuta down and crossed his arms over his chest like a little kid. "Give me the gift." 

Yuta had gladly handed him a small elegant looking box that was colored lavender. Mark looked at it before grabbing it. He opened the box as yuta played in his hair. 

"Yuta no way!"


Mark picked Yuta up out of pure excitement. He shined him around as yuta's legs wrapped around his torso. When he put yuta he slid the  golden watch on the wrist. "I will never forget this."

"Cute." Yuta said as they walked hand and hand back into their home.

"I promised I wouldn't forget that, but I did. I'm gonna make this right." Mark ran out of his room to study. Sitting down at his desk he started to bury his head in the papers probing Yuta's disappearance to find a common ground.

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