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Chandlers hug from the sky of the big building. The same church that over a year ago where Mark and yuta were going to get married doesn't marry three so they played the system. Yuta was going to get have two weddings.

First was sicheng and yuta. The church was so different in decorations from the very first time they tried to get married. Instead of a white themed wedding, it was more silver and gold.

They still had the glass Chandlers everywhere. Now in the center of the table laid orchids with pearls as the perfect center pieces.

Sicheng was dressed and ready to go out. In his black suit he felt like a million bucks. Sicheng glanced at his figure in the mirror. His mouth completely drops open when he sees his parents in the back of them room.

"You didn't invite us? Why son?" His mother spoke first. She and Sicheng's father made there way over to the distant looking Chinese. "We want to support you. We want to witness a new chapter opening for you."

"Yeah sicheng. I know at first I especially wasn't the most supportive, however you're still my child and above all I want you to be happy. If that is with another man than I wil..."

Sicheng hugged his parents. Years ago he left them and said he would never speak to them because they didn't except who he was. He refuse to put his parents under the bus when it comes to his relationships. However he couldn't deny that every relationship that he was in with a male his parents ruined.


"I know you don't want us here. I'm also aware that our words won't take back the pain it caused you in the past." His father helps smoothen out his suit as his mother ties his tie better than him. They both were trying to make what they did years ago disappear.

What sicheng learned from his relationships is that forgiveness is needed to be forgiven. All in all, if he didn't forgive forgive his parents, than he can't expect yuta to forgive him.

"I forgive you guys. Just please know that I'm sorry for being a terrible teenager. I just wanted to love who I wanted." Sicheng frowns when he noticed his mother crying.

Sicheng wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead for comfort. "Mother don't cry." Sicheng gave her a tissue.

When his door opened he saw one of the ushers calling him out. Sicheng walks with a smile down the aisle. He couldn't keep a smile off of his face. As he stood down the aisle where yuta would soon walk down, he made eye contact with Mark.

They both winked at each other. Although he loved yuta, sicheng couldn't forget that Mark basically made his dreams come true. Mark and his relationship was rocky but now he couldn't manage without the younger. Guess he caught the yuyu- disease. It a specific disease that yuta passed to him. It was caused by Mark and effect was needing the little Canadian.

Speaking of the prince himself, the music signals that soon yuta would be walking down the aisle. Everyone head snaps when the door opens. There stood the angel that sicheng longed to call his.

As yuta walks down the aisle his tuxedo shines and glistens in the light. The white was blinding.
Sicheng couldn't decide if he wanted to call yuta hot or cute, the tuxedo was just so rebellious.
Sicheng loved it.

The younger steps down and grabs the blonde's hand. He help yuta steps on the stage. It was hard to keep his composure.

"Friends and relatives, we have come here today at the invitation of Dong sicheng and yuta Nakamoto to share in the joy of their wedding." The priest starts.

Sicheng was lost in yuta's eyes. They were the only thing that he wanted to stare in. Time seems to speed up because before sicheng knows it he has to say his vowels.

"I want you to know that every night after any nightmare I will be there. Any mistake you make I will help you fix it. Any bug you find I will hide with you in a closet until an exterminator comes. What I'm getting at is that I will stay by your side no matter what."

The crowd laughed which gave the younger more confidence to continue. It's like the words fell out of his mouth as he stared in those hypnotic gates known a yuta's eyes.

"I can't leave you. I tried literally and I was so miserable. I realized that I need you like plants need water and sunlight. In the end I want you to know that I love you." Sicheng the side of yuta slim face.

Yuta smiles as he gathered his thoughts. "I remember when we took a trip to an amusement park, I had sat down on the roller coaster. I was petrified because I hate roller coasters."

Yuta wipes his face as he continues to say what he had to. "You got on. Even when you were just as scared as I was. I remember you told me that we would conquer it together because we are meant to do it all together. From that day I knew I loved you. To tell you the truth I never stopped."

After they were done the priest say to sicheng "will you please repeat this vow to yuta,  repeat after me: I sicheng take you yuta to be my partner to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, I promise to love and cherish you."

Sicheng happily repeats with the biggest smile on his face.

The priest them looks to yuta. "Will you please repeat this vow to sicheng saying after me: I yuta, take you sicheng to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, I promise to love and cherish you."

Yuta repeats everything. His eyes held the passion of a thousand suns. Both yuta and sicheng looks to the priest when the following words left his mouth.

"Would you dong sicheng take yuta to be your partner lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sicknessas long as you shall live?"

"I do." Sicheng said without a doubt. He could tell that he was making yuta blush by the way the younger looks away with red across his cheeks.

"Would you yuta Nakamoto take dong sicheng to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sicknessas long as you shall live?"

"I do."

The crowd went nuts as yuta said that in the. Out shy tone he had. It was cute to see the flirt named yuta become so timid.

"You may now kiss."

The priest barely finished before their lips smashed together. In this moment it was more like a fairy tale than real life.

Sicheng and yuta could let go. They held hands as they walked down the aisle. Finally one down and one to go.

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