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"Today a man was reconnected with his family after being proven innocent. Look at the way his little girl's smiles when she finally gets to see her father."

Baekhyun smiled while watching the heart warming sight. Just to think that if he didn't listen to his heart an innocent man could have died in one of the most painful ways.

Baekhyun turned off the TV, he started to think about his life. At the expense of doing the right thing Baekhyun put his life on pause.

Baekhyun stood up and grabbed his book that was opened to a page. The page held everything he needed to finally put an end to the nightmare that he would admit he had a hand in creating.

Baekhyun knew that the final thing he had to do was let out the whole truth. He flipped through the pages scanning over what he would say to the court in private.

After going over some evidence, the detective needed more of everything from, from evidence to pressure of exploiting the highers emotions. Can he do it? Was he capable of doing some? He slams the book closed. He stuffed the book in his work bag and left.  He knew that the first person he needed to ask was none other than his husband.

Baekhyun left the house and drove to the jailhouse. Before he knew it, he had arrived. After swiping his badge, Baekhyun walked into a private visiting room. He tapped his fingers on the desk out of pure habit as he waited for the bubblegum haired boy to arrive. Baekhyun wasn't waiting long before the door opened and walked in his husband.

"Taeyong how have you been?" Baekhyun says in a light peachy voice. Baekhyun was acting as if he didn't put taeyong behind bars, or almost destroy their marriage.

"How do you think?" Taeyong said in a more hushed tone with a little bit of sarcasm. "You know I would love to just hold my children in my arms. Maybe even read them stories but i can't I'm stuck in here."

"I know it seems really bad but I can help you." Baekhyun pulled up his bag. He snatched out some papers and placed them down in front of taeyong. "I don't want to take the children away from you. But do the right thing and sign these papers." Baekhyun pushed the pen on the papers. "Think about their future you can't provide much for them in here."

Taeyong face went even more sour than it could. His cheeks burned with outrage while his hand balled up into fist. "You did this on purpose."

"No you should just trust me and do what's best for baejin and taerin. Let's be honest you will lose them if you don't sign these papers and there will be nothing you can do about it." Baekhyun bargaining in a dangerous world. But he had a vision.

Taeyong knew Baekhyun was right and so he did what the older wanted. He sign the papers and over went his heart.

Baekhyun smiles in victory, "thank you for your time. Hope to see you home, soon real soon."

Taeyong eyebrows raised up in confusion at that. "Baekhyun what do you mean by that?" Taeyong didn't get an answer instead he got a knowing look. That look was the same look that taeyong received on the day that Baekhyun asked him out.

"Don't feel down my taeyong, after a hurricane comes a rainbow." Baekhyun says before making kissy faces at taeyong.

"Don't feel down." Taeyong looked down now in utter Bewilderment. Taeyong eyes widen when he finally read the paper. He smirked after understanding what he had signed. "Baekhyun..."

"Hush and stay silent." Baekhyun orders taeyong. He sent an air kiss to him before leaving the meeting.

"So what's happening now?" Renjun asked. Mark was now in the dreamies house. Renjun wasn't surprised when Mark showed up, he was more pissed off because the older acts like he can't clean up his act.

"Taeyong, yuta, and jaehyun was arrested." Mark says out in frustratio. His hands flies to his hair, pulling at the string to help his roaming mind. All of the other's there stopped in there tracks.

Jaemin hit the pool ball with the stick before freezing. Jeno hands was right in front of thr pocket that jaemin aimed at while he was frozen. Haechan had froze with drinks in his hand and chenle looked up from his phone with wide eyes.
Jisung mouth fell open.

"Yeah that's what happened. So we need to find a way to help them." Mark says. He pulls out a notepad and smacks it down on the table, "anyone got any ideas?" 

Everyone looked around they didn't dare say anything. It was so silent that you could hear a mouse steps.  "Come on someone must have something right?"

"No." Haechan says with his arms around himself. "We shouldn't get in it. It's too risky." Haechan looks at Mark. "We should wait it out to see what happens."

Jaemin nodded his head in agreement. "Haechan is right. What if the cops doesn't even look into us. If we go and try to defend anyone we can also be thrown in jail." Jaemin put the pool stick down. He walked over to jeno who was very silent.

Mark looked at jeno, "what about you? Are you also going to turn your back on the people who protected us?" Mark asked in a venomous tone.

Jeno eyes went wide as the attention went on him. "Well..... well we should wait a little while and see what happens then make a stable plan."

"Bullshit your compromising. Just tell jaemin that you want to help but you don't want to go against him." Mark hissed. He looked at the rest of them.

"Well I would love to help them. I can never forget how they helped me, however I feel like I will be choosing our downfall if we don't stay out of it." Renjun adds. "Mark I wish you wouldn't let your aggressive ass ego get in the way."

"Ego? I just want to help them is that really an ego?"

"No it's not that. You're pushing us to help your fiance so you can say 'I told you I wouldn't let anything happen to you' and you know it." Renjun pushed back. "Keep us out of you weird ass game. We aren't pieces that you can move across a board."

Mark gritted his teeth. "Fine. I knew it was a stretch to count on you guys anyway." Mark turned away and walked off.

Haechan looked down. He pulled the paper out of his pocket, "good thing I didn't tell him we got secret immunity from arrest." He whispers so no one could hear him.

However renjun heard it. "Haechan really?" Renjun shook his head and ran outside. "Mark wait." Renjun ran down the street.

The skies started to get gray as it cried over the whole region. Renjun felt stupid. If they had immunity that mean they could have helped Mark.

Renjun pulled out his phone to call Mark but something caught his eyes. He lifted his head up to make sure he seen what he thought. There he seen a set of eyes staring back at him. They were beady eyes that was unmistakably evil.

Renjun put his phone back in his pocket and ran back to the house. When he got back he didn't dare say anything to anyone.

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