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Sicheng pinned Mark's hands to the mattress.  "Do you really think you're stronger than me?" He gave a condenscending laugh. "I'm a police officer it's part of my job...."

Mark rolled both of their bodies over successfully securing his place on top. "Or really what were you saying weak link?" Mark moved sicheng.

Sicheng growled and pushed Mark off of the bed. Seeing to it that Mark was on the floor sicheng crawled to the end of the bed, he looks down at the Canadian and smile. "I always win."

"Haha. Maybe that's why your nick name is winwin." Mark sneeringingly says. He got up off the floor and watched as sicheng watched him with an amusing smile on his face. "You might have this time...."

"You could never win." Sicheng felt an aura rush over him with those very words. In the back of his mind he felt alive but his body felt dead. "I..."

Mark looked to the male sitting on his bed in his shirt. While spending sometime alone with sicheng Mark found the older's presence quite digestible.
"Sicheng?" Mark soft infectious voice accidently slips past his mind radar when he sees sicheng eyes start to fill.

Sicheng eyes showed a deep dark tunnel of sadness. It was very uncommon and uncomfortable for Mark to sit and look at the older Chinese male get emotional, he didn't even know why.

"What's wrong? Do I need to call someone?" Mark asked anxiously. He gently grabbed Sicheng's face to comfort him. "If it's about me being upset because of yuta and you I'm the one that should be sorry, not you."

"No I messed up." Sicheng voice shrank with every word he continously. "I wasn't supposed to be there."

"Huh?" Mark was left puzzled at the sudden out burst of emotions.
"What's going on?"

"I can't tell you now but later I will." Sicheng hurried to pick up all of his tossed around clothing. "I have to go." Sicheng dashed out of the room door leaving a befuddled Mark following like it's follow the leader.

"You're not making any....yuta?" Mark heartbeat increased when he seen the black haired male standing in his living room.

Now a stand still with all three was happening and Mark couldn't decide who he wanted to go to. Mark mind couldn't come to a decision and soon his body followed. Mark started walking towards yuta but then stopped, he looked at sicheng and started to do the same thing, but unfortunately he ended up stopping again.

"Mark, sicheng," yuta calls out to both of them. His face had an unreadable expression but the atmosphere said far too much. "Mark why is sicheng in your shirt? Sicheng where is your car?"

Mark looked at sicheng with panicking eyes. "Yuta it's not what it looks like, I was just making sure the liquor was all the way out of his system before he started to drive."

"My car is at the bar still." Sicheng added to yuta who clearly looks skeptical.

Yuta stood staring at the two reading their body language and staring into their souls. "I don't care about whatever you do." Yuta walked back to the front door, "I was called because sicheng didn't show up to an important meeting so I came over to check on him."

"How did you kn...."

Yuta left before Mark could even ask the question. Mark walked to his window and watched yuta get in his car. It was a hard scene for him to digest. Mark places his hands on the glass while still staring out at the Japanese.

Yuta looked up at him, the tender smile warmed Mark's heart. He waved to yuta when he drove away. He looked over his shoulder at sicheng who stared back at him. "I know I look stupid but I just can't let go."

Sicheng walked over to him. The blonde wrapped his arms around the big sweater Mark lend him. "It's not stupid, it's love." Sicheng looked to where Mark eyes were glued to, "I of all people can understand that."

"I know you can." Mark said in a too happy tone. He huffed and finally mustered to courage to walk away from the window, "but even if it is love, what if yuta doesn't love me back? What will I do?"

"Just do what you told me," sicheng flicked Mark's forehead, "move on." Sicheng understood the feeling Mark was going through so he knew that after a hurricane comes a rainbow.

"Of course you would say that. I'm leaving." Mark did as he said he was going to do. He left his house and headed over to Johnny's. The older always gave him good advice.

After he pulled up to the house, Mark made his way up to the door. He didn't need to knock because he had a spare key.
After stepping inside of the house Mark walks up the stairs.

"Johnny where are you?" Mark searched everywhere for his elder cousin but he was nowhere to be seen.

Mark sat down feeling like he had nothing else to do so he waited, and waited. The time passed fast but still Johnny didn't show up. "Where the hell is he?" Mark asked to himself.

The blonde head pulls out his phone and calls Johnny. "Hey where are you?" Mark asked with Johnny answers, "I've been at your house for almost three hours."

"Well if you would have called earlier I would I have told you that I'm in Chicago right now. Do you need anything?" Johnny laughed on the other end when Mark made a long dragged out groan sound.

"You're always in Chicago when I need you." Mark complains. "I bet you're probably eating pizza while watching home alone, laughing and having a good time all while I'm here being sad and lonely."

"Oh well you're so accurate." Johnny turns off the TV to hear Mark more clearly. "Tell me what's wrong." Johnny says.

"Well I miss yuta and I love him, but i feel like he is trying his hardest to avoid me, what should i do?" Mark asked.

"Well there's only one true answer to that." Johnny sighs, "move the hell on."

Mark dropped his phone. His heart felt like it just burst from a explosive. With that one phrase Mark life felt empty and time unfortunately stopped once again.

"Mark Hey are you still t....."

Beep beep.

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