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Mark sat down by the electrical fireplace. He made his flames green to give off an eerie vibe. Yuta has been home for about three days now so he was happy.  However he couldn't deny the pain that lingered from when all of the dreamies had turned on him. They were selfish so Mark wanted to wash his hands with them, especially haechan.

"Mark please talk to me. I didn't know that we had immunity." Renjun pleaded. He really felt terrible about choosing the majority over Mark. He thought deep down that he was doing the right thing.

"Is that all. It shouldn't matter if you guys have an immunity deal or if you didn't, you still should've helped me." Mark spits out at the smaller. "Now you want to apologize? What if taeyong, yuta, and jaehyun would have been hurt?"

Renjun gulped down some of his nerves. He stood up more impossibly straighter. "I know what we did was shitty but we were thinking about all of us not just one person."

Mark rolled his eyes at Renjun's statement. "Bullshit. You and haechan planned this didn't you? Since you guys are practically married you don't need to think about anyone else huh?" Mark interrogates renjun as if the younger was testify in the highest court. "Maybe you guys tipped Baekhyun off which made him investigate more and more until we have this big mess."

"What?" Appalled renjun spit out a string of cuss words.  "I would never." Renjun eyes showed hurt at Mark's statements. He thought the older was his bestfriend, maybe more like his big brother.
Never in a million years did he imagine to be accused by Mark Lee himself..

Renjun pushed his hands through his brown hair as Mark continues to basically crucify him in the office.

"Sure you would. You and haechan would benefit a lot from it." Mark slammed his papers down on the wooden surface of his well polished desk. "The only way haechan was able to get immunity for just the dreamies meant that he was able to talk to baekhyun before Taeyong's arrest."

The Canadian walked right in front of the Chinese and stared him down with fire in his eyes and disgust on his face. "This means that haechan with help of his trusty sidekick was able to get the sweethearts thrown in jail."

"Why would we do that!" Renjun yells in Mark's face. He bit his bottom lip in pure irritation. He hated that Mark was making him out to be some kind of psycho, he honestly didn't know about the three going to jail until Mark had told him.

"It's easy. Haechan and you are officially back together. You both need some money to run away from your problems. Baekhyun offers you money which lead to you guys getting the sweethearts put in jail." Mark said with ease. He then grabbed his coffee mug and took a nice sip out of it before placing it back down.

"Further more, you two are trolling everyone else. In the end you two will be sitting on millions while all of us are scrambling for the scraps." Mark finishes.

Renjun stood their hands balled into a fist. "How dare you say that to me?" Renjun voice starts to shake a he tries to keep each syllable from escaping his mouth. "You know how I feel about that. I'm not a puppet!"

"Sure your not. Let me guess haechan tells you how much he loves you and you fell weak to your knees." The more Mark talked was the more renjun hated his voice.

Every word took a piece of Renjun's self esteem. Every single statement made renjun hate the Canadian a little bit more. Soon enough everything was long over due, Renjun was past the point of patience and his desire to stay calm has vanished. "Fuck you."

Renjun turned on his heels and walked towards the door. He stopped his movements at the door.

Mark smirked. "Have a nice life with haechan. I hope you two work out well." He said in an all knowing tone.

Renjun gulped down anger his eyes already threatening tears. "I hope you and yuta realize that it's a joke." Renjun no longer wanted to hold back his true feelings so he let the older have it all in one dose.  "You based your relationship on false protection. Newsflash Mark, he went to jail you didn't save anyone. Your whole fantasy love life is a joke and you need to know that."

"What did you just say to me?" Mark eyebrows furrowed at the shorter audacity. "You fucking fairy."

"You loser." Renjun finished his argument with that statement before storming out. He didn't dare look back.

Mark watched with fear of his words. He knew he pushed the younger's buttons. The guilt only built up after he remembered the struggle renjun went through.

(4 years before)

Renjun sat on the concrete platform in front of a fountain. He had his legs pulled up to his chest as his head was buried in between them.

Mark watched the younger from afar. He felt bad. He felt bad because he witnessed renjun relationship with haechan going south all of a sudden. It came to a surprise when renjun first told him of his struggles.

Mark sat down by renjun and placed his hand on his back and rubbed it in a comforting manner. "What happened renjun? You don't have to stay so silent about this."

Renjun looked up at Mark with glossed over eyes. "Haechan he needs help. But he doesn't want it." Renjun explains as he played with left wrist.

Mark looked at the younger with his head tilted to the side. "What happened?" Mark retreated his hand from Renjun's back before slowly grabbing his shaking hands.

"His a drunk. He doesn't want to get help because he is afraid that he will not change. But I'm afraid that he will get hurt or worse." Renjun wiped his face. "He is so afraid of turning into his father that he doesn't realize that he is now a splitting image of his enemy, his father."

Mark noticed a piece of white fabric wrapped around the younger's wrist. "What is that?" He lightly grabs it.

Renjun looked back up at him with sorrowful eyes. "He through a glass bottle at my arm because i went to get him help. So I had to break up with him in private because he refused help."

Mark hissed at the memory. It burned his mind third degree. But now one thing also gave his skin burns and that was renjun thinking that yuta and his relationship was a joke. Mark didn't need a detecting test to know that his feeling and his heart is real.

All he hope for is that yuta felt the same way.


I promised another update, so here it is! I hope you guys enjoy it. Also tell me what you think. I  really appreciate it when you guys tell me what you like and don't like because I feel like I can customize this story for everyone.

In a nut shell, don't hesitate to comment or dm me with ideas.

Luv you guys lots 💚💚💚

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