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"I need you to tell the truth!" Baekhyun snapped at taeyong. "You can't just kill someone and expect me to be fine with it." 

"I don't. I just hoped that time could heal this, heal us." Taeyong couldn't even breathe properly with Baekhyun down his throat now. Sitting in their room seemed like torture with the one he loved. "Baekhyun I told you not to drive us apart but to bring us together."

"No you told me because you felt guilty, guilty that I could've been thrown in jail if someone found out." Baekhyun wasn't wrong, but he also wasn't right. 

Taeyong didn't mean to cause this fight. He just wanted to clear his conscience. But now even that seems impossible. "I didn't think that, I didn't want you to be an accessory to the crime back then. Look, it's been years I was just hoping it would've died down."

"How about you kill it, it's easy for you to do that." Baekhyun has been ridiculing Taeyong for weeks now. It's been getting old and Taeyong was honestly tired of it. 

Taeyong marched his little self over to his husband and smacked the spit right out of his mouth. "How dare you. I was protecting my family, don't you dare put me in a category with psychotic men."

Baekhyun held his face. He rubbed it looking directly into those big eyes of Taeyong. He's fucking crazy. "Oh so are you now assaulting an officer?" Baekhyun glared at Taeyong who gladly returned it.

"If the shoe fits." Taeyong wiped his hands on his pajama pants before walking away. He sat down on the bed not paying attention to baekhyun anymore. The younger one messed with the pink blob on his head.  His phone began to ring, making him jump. 

Taeyong put the phone to his ear. "Hello?" 

"Hello mr.Byun your son has gotten in trouble, we need you to come up to the school." 

"Alright I'm on my way." Taeyong hung up the phone and huffed out. He quickly put on some skinny jeans and his famous old running shoes. 

As taeyong headed to the room door baekhyun pulled him back. "Yes?" Taeyong felt like he was just scolded by his parents. It's weird but it really felt like he married his father sometimes or worse his mother.

"We aren't done talking about this." Taeyong felt bad looking at the red print on Baekhyun's face. He went to rub it but Baekhyun snatched his hand away. "You will give full custody to me for both Baejin and taerin." 

"No, I will never give you full custody. You can go to hell." Taeyong busted out in tears and yanked forcefully away from Baekhyun. He ran to his car and turned on his engine. 

Before he could drive off Baekhyun was standing in front of his car. The sky gray and rain purring made it seem more depressing than it was. Baekhyun seemed to be unaffected by the rain. He walked over to the driver's window and told Taeyong to roll it down. 

Baekhyun whips back his chestnut hair. When Taeyong rolled down the window, Baekhyun hit the button to unlock his door. Baekhyun swung the car door open and grabbed Taeyong's hands off of the steering wheel. "You keeping them would just drag them down, they don't need a murderer as a parent. Do what's best for them." 

Taeyong gulped when Baekhyun slammed the door and walked inside the house. He broke down in his car as he pulled off.

Taeyong had everything surfacing in his mind, you would think that his life would be easier with Jackson gone, but it was so much worse. Taeyong couldn't help but to think about yuta. The cops still haven't found a suspect list and Taeyong knows Baekhyun isn't even trying because of his past.

Taeyong made a right turn entering his son's school's parking lot. After parking he made his way into baejin's school.

It didn't take him long to see his son sitting with his head down, lip poking out as he swung his little feet back and forth. Taeyong could tell that his son was upset by the way he looked.

"Hey mr.Byun you're here. Baejin is right ove..."

"Yeah I see him." Taeyong dismissed the woman kindly and made his way over to his son who visibly tensed at the mentioning of byun. 

"Appa I'm so sorry." 

"It's not appa." Taeyong gently squatted down next to his son whose eyes looked blue. "I want to know what happened, can you tell me?" Taeyong gently took his son's hands in his and rubbed them giving him comfort.

"Those bullies said that I didn't have a mommy and they pushed me down." The little raised his voice and threw his hands in the air, surprising Taeyong. "Then they called you a killer and a slut."

Taeyong gasped and grabbed his son's head, pulling it to his chest. "Don't repeat anything they said."

"But you told me to tell you." Baejin pouted just like Taeyong did. Baejin huffed and folded his arms over his chest as his head was still being smashed against Taeyong's chest. "They picked on me so I beat them up and said that I do have a mommy and my dad talk to her all the time." 

"What?" Taeyong pulled away from his son to see if he was serious. Yup he was serious and Taeyong was going to kill Baekhyun. "You know what, let's go home." Taeyong stood up and grabbed his son's hand and walked out of the lemon smelling office. 

"Papa! Those are the kids." Taeyong's head snapped to the kids. "Who did you possibly beat up?" He looked at how tall the kids were compared to his son. "Did you really fight them?"

"Yup and I will do it again." The boy growled and tried to attack the other children in the corner. 

He kicked as taeyong picked him and carried him away from the kids and out to the car. 

Taeyong placed the still feisty little boy in the seat and snapped him in the seat belt. "You don't need to fight anyone. You also don't need to call someone mommy when you have a papa."

"Yes I do have to fight when they said that uncle yuyu was dead and that he deserved it because he was a bitch." 

Taeyong almost smacked his son in the mouth. He stopped himself because his son didn't say it. "Hey, don't worry about that. Let me handle it." Taeyong kissed his son's head. 

"Don't worry about anything honey." 

"Mommy I mean papa don't cry." Baejin reached up and wiped Taeyong's tears away. "You look ugly when you cry."  Taeyong chuckled and ruffled his son's hair.

Taeyong closed the door and walked away to the front seat. He got in and drove off in the direction of their home.

He hoped Yuta was alive. He missed the younger one right now. Taeyong bit his lip just trying not to feel another emotional overflow coming from the body.

There in a smoky room that was only lit up by a dim light yuta was strapped under. His body aching in pain. His legs and arms had jagged scars.

Dust fell on his body as someone stumped up stairs. He could tell that they were making their way downstairs because the dust felt heavier. Yuta tightly held his eyes closed trying to keep the itchy things out. 

The door  swung open. Yuta stayed still as the man walked over to him. "You aren't dead yet?" Yuta opened his eyes looking at the man standing in front of him. 

"Is that a shocker to you?" Yuta coughed. His chest felt that empty but scratchy feeling. Yuta screeched as his long black hair was yanked so hard that he swore his brain was surfacing. "Ouch."

"You will die here, no one is looking for you. But I won't kill you, I will let you die slowly." The man stepped back. He picked up a hose. He positioned it so it was pointing at yuta, on the highest setting and blasted yuta with it. 

After what seemed like centuries of almost drowning. Yuta coughed  as some of the water went down the wrong tube. He looked around noticing the man left. 

He needed to get out of here badly but how?

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