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"Officer byun has solved the murder case of Jackson wang. He brought the culprit in two weeks ago and booked him in one night."

Yuta sat looking at the news. His heart cracked with every term of hate that they used to describe taeyong.

"You know the best thing about this case is that byun baekhyun solved the very case that his father couldn't so that should give his self-esteem some points."

Yuta stuffed popcorn in his mouth, he never took his eyes off of the tv. Yuta placed his bare legs under his oversized grey hoodie to keep himself warm. He cringed at the many terms these broadcasters would use to call taeyong a bad person.

It's like everyone always overestimate taeyong. They say he is the ring leader of all evil, yet there's a byun Baekhyun getting praise for destroying his whole family.

Nothing however could be worse than when the media talks about him and jaehyun. They always make him and jaehyun seem like the poor impressionable babies that taeyong has brainwashed for evil and the destruction of the earth.

Yuta was tired of being underestimated. He knew now that people seen him as glass, so fragile that he's easy to break. He hated that notion of himself. What more could he do?

Yuta picked up the big bowl of popcorn and stood up. After dumping the left over popcorn out side and cleaning the bowl, yuta ran up the stairs.

Nothing seems to ease his worried mind all that happens is that he falls asleep and dream, dream of an evil place.

Yuta walked into the nursery that they had gotten ready for taerin. He walked over to the baby crib to check on the little one. She was so small and the world was so big.

Yuta made sure everything was in place. After making sure the baby monitor was on he left the room. On his way heading down stairs to clean up he heard a sudden ring of his doorbell.

Yuta sped up his pace of walking to get the door bell. He opened it to see who it was. "Sicheng what are you doing here?" Yuta asked. Sicheng never came around unless the moon was  blue, so it was strange seeing the younger standing tall in his uniform.

"Yuta we need you at the station to answer some questions." Sicheng pulled out the order form from his back pocket.. he handed the wrinkly paper that had tears in different places.

Yuta scanned the paper before handing back to sicheng. "I already told you everything I know." Yuta looked over Sicheng shoulder when he heard a hunk. "Who's that."

"Well if you refuse right now I will have to arrest you." Sicheng followed yuta's eyes. They looked absolutely confused. "The case was open again just a few hours ago."

Yuta ran back inside and slammed the door. He locked it and headed up the stairs. While locking the bedroom doors with a key yuta dialed up Johnny.

Yuta waited after a couples a rings before Johnny picked up. "Yuta what's up."

"Johnny I need you over here. They reopened the case. I need someone to get the children." Yuta voice sound frantic. His breath was out of control. "Please hurry!" Yuta yelled before hanging up.

He ran back down the stairs. He stopped when he heard the banging on the other end. He ran towards the door and swung it open.

Yuta quickly put his hands up in defense. "I just need my friend to get my niece and nephew."

"We can take them down to the station and let their father take them." Sicheng suggested. He gave his men the signal to do just that.

Yuta didn't let them in. "Actually no. You can't because Johnny is already coming."

A red car pulled up just then and jaehyun and Johnny ran passed the guards to get the children. When they got close to him, yuta threw them the keys.

Sicheng grabbed yuta. He turned him around then placed the cold metal handcuffs on his little wrist. He then guided the Japanese down the stairs carefully.

When yuta was successfully in the back of a cop car they pulled off.

Mark took a nice bite from his watermelon as he picked up his phone. "Hello?"

"Yuta was arrested."

Mark mouth fell open. His watermelon escape it as well. "I'm on my way." Mark hung up and left his office in record breaking time.

After hopping in his car, Mark was off into the direction of the jailhouse. It didn't take even ten minutes for him to get there.

When he pulled into the surprisingly packed parking space, he parked and headed into the building.

"You said it was just questioning." Yuta said to sicheng as his fingerprints were taken. "You lied to me. Just like you did years ago." Yuta bit his lip when he felt a pinch from how hard sicheng pressed his finger to the pad.

"Shut up and comply. Beside I had a warrant out for your arrest." Sicheng scoffed before pulling yuta to a holding cell. "Please let me do my job would you?"

Mark walked over to sicheng. "You didn't mirandize him? That a public offensive where is Baekhyun I need to have a word with him." Mark turned around but his jaw dropped when he seen jaehyun being taken in.

Last time he remembers jaehyun wasn't even on the first suspect list, so he couldn't understand what changed. Mark watched the older, he looked scared out of his mind.

Mark watched the guards roughly guide jaehyun into a holding cell. One side of Jaehyun's face was red, it was like a handprint was on it.

Yuta and jaehyun made eyes contact. This was there fears, they never intended for this to happen. They only wanted to be normal but time and time again it's been proven impossible.

Mark was tired of the harassment his family face. He walked over to sicheng and demanded to speak with Baekhyun. "If you do...." Mar stopped when Baekhyun walked into the area. "Hey you listen to me..."

Baekhyun sharply turned to look at Mark, "no, how about you listen to me. I reopened the case for a reason. Let me do my job and bring justice."

"Bring justice to who? A predator?" Mark hissed at Baekhyun. It was very evident of the mutual feelings of contentment between each other.

Baekhyun chuckles before standing closer to Mark. In a hushed tone he said, "I arrested them for a reason, but if you don't like that I can just arrest all twenty one of you because you all are accessories to the crime?"

"But why them?" Mark asked in the same hushed tone. "Why couldn't you choose someone else?"

Baekhyun smiled, "they chose themselves. You see all three of them admitted to the crime. I just acted on their confession." Baekhyun looked at the two in the holding cell. "They brought this upon themselves by trying to play the system." Baekhyun said before walking away.

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