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It's been a week since Johnny had told Mark to move on. Both him and sicheng were shit faced in a bar just babbling about their troubles and how they were so terrible.

"No I'm worse than you because I cheated." Sicheng slams his shot glass down. "Another shot please."

"Sicheng at least he didn't leave you for some weirdo." Mark adds. His black shirt by now reeks of vodka, his blonde hair looks like shit, and he's too scared to see just how messed up he really looks in a mirror. "If I was yuta I would leave me too."

"Really?" sicheng looks to Mark before taking another shot. Sicheng sad orbs paste itself in Mark's mind. The Chinese male felt a burden fall unto his shoulders, one he could not throw away.

"No. Why would he? I gave him everything he ever wanted. Not to mention I took his virginity." Mark angrily slams his fist on the bar. He was furious just thinking about everything he has done for the older. He felt the distaste of rejection and bittersweet moments linger in his broken heart.

Mark jaw slacks when he sees the bartender looking at him.
The bartender's had a baseball that covering most of his top half of his face with a black mask covering the bottom. "Hey do I know you?" Mark asked. He couldn't place his finger on it but that bartender looks, no, felt familiar.

The bartender shook his head no. Mark squinted his eyes to get a firmer look at the male. Mark never took his eyes off of the man, not even after he was given another shot glass. "Are you mute?"

"Mark don't be so rude." Sicheng smacked the Canadian's arm. "Don't pay any mind to him, he's just cranky,. What is your name?" Sicheng smiles.

To both of the well tipsy males the bartender said nothing before walking away. Mark couldn't stop thinking about why that man figure looked so familiar.

As the night went on the quantity of the liquor in their fragile system grew larger. Neither one kept tabs on the amount of shots that they had taken. It all became a blur. The liquor took over.

When they met eyes for the first time in a while, both of them froze. It was as if they seen each other in the mirror, they had the same truth. Nothing could explain the rising temperature in the pit of their stomachs. Nor the all of a sudden appear of lust.

Neither one notice the walk to the car. The battering sounds of both of their hearts beating so hard that the ground could shake and quake. Mark didn't know what to feel but his hands shook with endearment as the Chinese cracked a smile.

The aura around them went into a fit of an unexplainable sensual situation. Mark started to crave the scent of another. Yuta was out of sight and out of mind.
He didn't want it to be that way but his heart felt empty, and it was way past due to fill it.

The two boys didn't notice the way their mouths smashed together in a kiss or the clothes being thrown around the car. The feeling of ecstacy was completely taking them over and it couldn't be stopped.

The next morning had come, Mark had awaken under the sunlight. That dastardly thing shining bright in his face. He raked his arms down the side of a figure.

With his eyes closed with tiredness he sat up with a grunt but was stopped when he completely felt stuck. Mark's eyes shot completely wide open once his eyes registered the sight in front of him.

Sicheng naked body was firmly pressed against him. His features set ablaze a fire in Mark's heart.  The young blonde mouth slacked open and it wasn't coming up anytime soon. He swore that he could never love others the way he loved yuta. But here he was still deep inside of the older, as his area pulsed like a heartbeat.

Completely shocked Mark grabs the older and pushes his shoulder. "Sicheng wake up." The swirling tornado of feeling groping his insides made his heart go weak.

Sicheng opens his eyes to see Mark. In a state of sleepiness the Chinese smiles to Mark. "Good morning." Sicheng tries to sit up but something stopped him. "Mark?" After coming through sicheng felt sticky and dirty. "What did we do?" Sicheng asked to the still very in shock Canadian.

Mark mind blanked out at the soft voice. His heart pounds as sicheng began to move himself off of him. The position was awkward for the both so they desperately wanted to be free.

"Wait wait." Mark takes a hold on Sicheng's hips. "Slowly." Mark, with rattling hand slowly moves the older off of him.

"Mark." Sicheng looked back at the younger. "What are we going to tell yuta?" Sicheng's question caused Mark to completely stop his movements.

The Canadian knew he should move on. He understood the concept of letting go. Mark gave a soft smile, "we don't have to because he and I aren't together."

After getting out of sicheng Mark puts on his clothes. "If you want to you can. But don't feel pressured to." On that note Mark jumps in the front seat and drives to his house so they could get cleaned up.

While still in the back of the car, sicheng puts on his clothes. He couldn't stop thinking about his heart growing for someone it wasn't supposed to. Nothing made sense but everything was scientific.

"Sicheng are you ok?"

Sicheng nod his head yes to Mark. "I'm fine. I just need to get cleaned up." Sicheng says giving a reassuring smile to the cutie who was driving.

He couldn't fool Mark. The Canadian could see right through that fake smile. Mark could feel the tension between the two, it is just too obvious to not see it.

"Lying isn't cool but I understand." Mark mumbles under his breath. He glances one more time in the rear view mirror to see sicheng.

The truth shows he was hurting.

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