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"Hey taeyong have you seen this?" Ten walks over and sat down on the floor next to taeyong. The two were in Taeyong's old house looking through things in the storage.

Taeyong looks at the book that Ten held on his lap. "That isn't Jackson's old journal is it?" When ten nodded his head yes, taeyong slid off of the couch onto the floor.

"This is insane, look at this page." Ten finger grazes over the small words on the paper. Ten has never read Jackson journal. Some of the things said in it was very disgusting.

Taeyong looks at the date of each page. He turns to the one that was the oldest to see what Jackson had wrote.

I can't sleep. There is someone staring at me. I think Jian wants to kill me. I think one day my brother will hurt me.

Taeyong read out loud. He couldn't even fathom how fast he got goosebumps. Taeyong turns the page. He continues to read. Each page that he read made taeyong tear up to the point He couldn't even read anymore.

"Taeyong this is the journal entry of the day you guys broke up." Ten looks over at taeyong. The older was speechless. Ten went to close the book, but taeyong grabs it.

"I need to know what happened to us." Taeyong begins to read.

The jungs took the top spot. We need to be at the top. I can't let him win. I need to win even if it kills me. Although I love taeyong so much, I can't be with him because his family isn't the best.

"Who is he?" Ten ask taeyong. Ten sees a tear slip past Taeyong's eyes. "Tae what's wrong." Ten picks up the book and scan through it to see what could've possibly made the older start to cry.

"It was true." Taeyong wipes his face. "He went after jaehyun for the money. No real feelings were towards my brother." Taeyong looks down when he felt a pinch on his arm. "What?"

"Do you think that Jackson was forced by his family?" Ten opens up to the book and points to the word, "who is him?" Ten stare at taeyong wondering if he had a clue.

Instead of getting an answer taeyong picks up the book and throws it. "Hey taeyong that could be valuable to..."

"Not me nor you." Taeyong rolls his eyes before messing with his nails. "Do you know where Baekhyun is? He hasn't been home in about a month. I tried reaching him but I couldn't get in touch."

Ten didn't know anything. He shakes his head no. He wanted to say how Baekhyun isn't really treating taeyong the way he deserves, but to stop them from getting into another petty feud, ten kept his pretty pink lips shut.

"I have been asking his coworker and all of his friends. They all say he's on a business trip, but my heart is saying something else is happening." Taeyong tucks some hair behind his ear before pulling his knees to his chest.

Ten rubs Taeyong's back. He wasn't blind, and even if he was he would still be able to clearly see how upset taeyong was. "Tae I don't know. All I know is that you don't deserve to be neglected."

Taeyong nodded his head in agreement. He knows this, however when Baekhyun looks in his eyes and says 'I love you,' all taeyong could do was to submit to his will.

It wasn't always fun being married especially when you always have to back down in an argument. Swallowing a lump of pride shouldn't be necessary in a relationship.

Taeyong didn't know he would if he lost the life that he's used to, being a parent and balancing marriage problems would put anyone out of commission. Taeyong knew he was almost there.

However ten grabs his hand, "Taeyong don't keep putting yourself through this. Leave him."

"Why do you care?" Taeyong locks eyes with ten. The atmosphere gets intense. Staring into each other eyes were like a time stopper.

They lean closer and closer until their lips almost touch. Both ten and taeyong were desperate for affection. Withint the past months they found it in each other. Their lips millimeters apart.

"I can't." Taeyong stops, "I want to work it out with my husband." Taeyong whispers to ten.

Ten jumps back. Just then his phone went off like a madman. He hurries over to it and picks it up. "Hello, sicheng."

"This is Mark, We can't find yuta. Last thing we know is that he was out with Jian. Ever since then no one has heard from him all day." Mark frantic voice sounded through the phone.

"Where's sicheng?" Taeyong jumps in. "Are you still with him?"

"He's running a lot of camera footage to see what happened. He's using yuta's last update on his whereabouts as a guide."

Taeyong and ten looks at each other. Their blood ran cold with fear of the unknown. "Tell us where you are. We will be there to help." Taeyong says.

After getting the address, him and ten rushed to meet the two. It wasn't long before all four of them were together trying to find yuta.

"Wait, stop." Ten grabs the mouse from Sicheng's grip and pauses the video. "That restaurant is the same one that me and that guy met." Ten zooms in more to make sure.

"Are you sure?" Mark asked the thai boy. He didn't want anymore time wasted. He needed to maximize all of their time to potentially save his and Sicheng's other half.

"I'm sure but something tells me that they aren't there now." Ten points back to the video.

They all watched as yuta was thrown like a sack of potatoes over the last wang shoulder.

"Not again." Mark heart drops. "We need to find him asap. That guys is dangerous." Mark says fuming with anger.

Sicheng caught the license plate number. He ran it. By the grace of the heavens and the car going on the main roads, sicheng found the location.

"I got it, let's go get yuta!"

With that they all ran out.

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