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Mark twirled a pen in-between his fingers while sitting at his desk. It was the same old schedule he has been used to. His office was too quiet for him. He could hear his little breaths. It was so quiet that his slow heartbeat sound like thunder claps.

The typing that he soon began on his computer bothered him so much because it was just irritating. For some reason Mark couldn't focus. No amount of coffee he drunk or how many push-ups he completed he still felt drained.

Over an hour have passed. By now he had slipped into a sweet dream. So physically exhausted and emotion drained he didn't even notice, that was until he heard a noise.

Mark jumped when he heard a knock at his door. "Come in." He said in a very drowsy tone.
Mark looked at the person when the door swung open super fast.

"Sir come quick taeyong is being arrested!"

Mark dropped everything. He stood up faster than flash and zoomed out of his office. He broke out of his building's doors in record time to his car. After Mark entered his car he slammed on the gas and headed onto that direction.

It didn't take Mark long to arrive at the byun residence. He wasn't even parked safely when he notice how chaotic the situation was. It was horrific. Police held Taeyong like a caged animal. They yank on his wrists like their aren't small, but thick like steel bars.

Mark quickly got out of his car and slammed his door before running over to taeyong and the police. "What's going on? Why are you arresting him?"

"Take my children please! Don't let Baekhyun take them!" Taeyong begged when he noticed Mark. "Don't worry about me. Baejin and taerin is more important."

Mark looked at baejin who was watching the whole scene. The little boy was hyperventilating as his eyes were flowing like a river. "Mommy!" He screams as the cops pulls taeyong away to their car. Taeyong looked so fearful. Mark couldn't blame him.

Mark watched as yuta walks from inside of the house with two bags draped over his shoulders. He had little taerin in his arms before tapping baejin.

Mark walked over to yuta. He smiled a little before grabbing taerin. "They will stay with us." Mark said and walked away with yuta tailing closely behind.

After loading the kids in the car they watched the police cars take off. Mark was about to pull off but a car pulled up. Yuta and Mark watched to see who it was.

But the person never left the car. Instead they pulled up right by Mark's car. When the person rolled down the window Mark wanted to punch the living daylights out of him. "Give me my children." Baekhyun stated plainly.

"Sorry can't hear you loud music." Yuta said. He then smacked Mark's arm. "Let's roll."
Mark caught the hint and pulled off away from the awaiting Baekhyun.

Jaehyung walked into the cold area. His suit as sharp as a knife. He looked professional but on the inside he was losing his fucking mind.

"Thank you." Jaehyun whispered to one of cops when they opened the door for him. Jaehyun let his arms fall loosely at his side. His heart shattered in pieces while watching someone behind the glass.

When the door slammed Jaehyun lost it completely. "Tae." He practically bolts over to the glass and put his hands on it. He wanted to hug his brother. Maybe talk with out the glass cutting in. But he couldn't. He couldn't stomach that they held him captive like a criminal.

"Jaehyun are you alright? Where are my children?" Taeyong asked just as frantically as Jaehyun is. His face was pale from refusing to eat. He felt weak but knowing that his children were safe was the only thing he was worried about.

"They're with yuta and Mark. How are you holding up?" Jaehyun asked through tears in his eyes. He couldn't imagine this happening. He felt that it was all his fault. Had he not ran outside that night, none of this would be happening.

Jaehyun leans his forehead on the glass. His lip quivering with every glance at taeyong. The guilt surpassing great amounts in his tiny body.

"Stop crying. Remember when I said it won't make anything better." Taeyong tapped the glass to get Jaehyun's attention he had a small smile on his face despite being scared as hell for himself.
"Do you remember why I told you that?"

Jaehyun shook his head no. "I don't. But this is my fault so it hurts." Jaehyun confess. More tears streams down his face. "The more I think about it is the more I realized that I caused everything."

"Jae it isn't your fault. You can't keep beating yourself up over this." Taeyong said. He knocked on the glass to get Jaehyun's attention. "You might think it is all your fault. However I never seen it that way."

"Why don't you. If only I had stayed home..."

"If only you didn't find out the truth the way you did?"

"If only I would have told someone..."

"But if only Jackson wouldn't have targeted you." Taeyong finally gets through to jaehyun. He knew jaehyun always have been beating himself up over everything. "You were a victim. You didn't do anything wrong. Jackson is dead because he did wrong and his luck had run out."

Jaehyun felt a weight lift off of his shoulders. He couldn't describe the feeling but it felt really good.

The timer went off which indicated that the visiting time had run out. The guard open the door. "Bye. See you soon." Taeyong waved to jaehyun with a smile on his face.

It wasn't surprising that taeyong was being so positive. Jaehyun smiled back and waved before walking out.

As soon as he left the jailhouse he felt a new meaning of free. The feeling gave him something he lacked for many years, hope and confidence.

Jaehyun walked to his car and sat down. Although taeyong was in jail he never failed to make someone feel better. That's why jaehyun knew he needed to help taeyong in anyway possible.

Timeless {Yumark +win}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu