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Clothes were dispersed all over the room. The once dark room filled with sinful noises was now filled with light and soft breathing. Sicheng stirred in his sleep before finally awakening in the glorious morning.

What was so glorious about it? Well having yuta right beside him was all he ever wanted. Sicheng smiled as he viewed how graceful yuta slept, the light upon his ear made the scene even more elegant. He could stare at the Japanese sleeping all day.

Yuta yawned cutely and stretched his hands in the air. He felt weird, but great and refreshed at the same time.

"Good morning yuta." Sicheng cheery voice, way too high pitched and giddy for people like him especially in the morning, kissed yuta on the cheek before exiting the bed.

Yuta was frozen as he watched sicheng move like a snake to his closet. "What?" Yuta said with his arms still in the air. He was utterly confused. His head sounded like drums were playing none stop now.

"I said good morning." Sicheng smirked. After shaking out his pants. With so much energy, sicheng marched with pride into the bathroom to start his morning routine. All while yuta sat there wondering why.

Yuta pulled back the very fluffy white blanket. So typical for sicheng, yuta know how much that boy loves cuddly things.  Suddenly a breeze shook his body. Shivering yuta looks down. With a dropped jaw and a gasp the Japanese looks down at his naked half.
"Oh shit." His eyes bucked open, his heart rate got faster, his stress got worse.

It didn't take long for sicheng to get done. He opened he door after noticing how disturbingly silent it was. He zipped up his pants while looking at the older who was just laying on his back and staring at the ceiling.

"Yuta what's wrong? Was I not good?"

"No this isn't good?"

"That's not what I asked." Sicheng made his way over to yuta. Just seeing how unhappy yuta was, he reached his hand out to give a comforting touch to the older.

Yuta jumped up before sicheng could even touch him. "I need get myself together, can i borrow some of your things?" Yuta asked.

"Yes of course, all of my spares of everything should be in the bathroom closet to your left." Sicheng pointed to the bathroom acting like those flight attendants when giving all of those directions.

Yuta gave a soft 'thank you' and headed into the bathroom. When he finally looked at himself in the mirror he was mortified. He places his hands over all of the bites on his neck, it looked as if a vampire had just had a feast and his body was the main dish.

Putting his raging nerves to the side he started to do his morning routine. First he had washed off the sinful smell that lasted from the night before.

Sicheng played on his phone while waiting for yuta to get done. He scratched the back of his head while trying to figure out what he should cook for the two. Don't get him wrong he wasn't a five star chef but he could whip something up.

"Waffles is great. Today is such a waffle day." Sicheng smiled as he read the ingredient list to make the mouth watering waffles.

Yuta swung the now steaming bathroom door open to reveal his wet hair. The clothes that sicheng had gave yuta was lose off of him. It made sicheng laugh because yuta looked like a little kid who tried to fit their fathers clothes.

"Would you like waffles this morning? I can whip them up in a jiffy." Sicheng gave the older a shy wink and a big thumbs up.

"No." Yuta simply says as he picks up his clothes from last night and folds them. "I'm sorry if that came off as mean but I just don't feel like eating anything right now." Yuta lied through his perfectly straight teeth. He gave a soft smile to the younger.

"Yuta I know better, is it my cooking? I promise I learned how to cook. I'm not that silly little boy who had burned the rice in culinary class." Sicheng jokes at the end while he hands the older his wallet.

"Oh as reassuring as that sounds, I just really have to be somewhere in like..." yuta looked at the clock on the nightstand, " less than thirty minutes."

"Really where do you need to go? I can..."

"Sicheng, I know this is going to sound really harsh and stupid but last night was a one time thing." Yuta stood up and hurried to the room door. "I'm really sor...."

"I get why you don't want me to spoil you. You still love Mark, don't you." Sicheng raised his eyebrows. "Just tell me, is he really someone you want? You want someone who boss you around?" Sicheng grabbed yuta's arms, "Fine if you want that I will digress, but at least let me give you a ride and give you something to eat."

Yuta was speechless, he wanted to say something like a 'thank you' but he couldn't. His throat ran dry as sicheng walked in front of him and head down the stairs.

After yuta and sicheng devoured the surprisingly delicious food, they headed to car. "So where ate you heading to?" Sicheng asked the very silent Japanese man.

"The courthouse." Yuta answers vaguely as he start to watch the clouds roll by like a film was rolling. His mind was busy with too many questions, all of them he couldn't answer.

"Let me guess you are going to see the person who kidnapped you? Listen yuta I don't judge you for this incredibly stupid choice, just tell me why."

"He could have killed me."

"Exactly my point." Sicheng smiled in victory as he continues to drive. "So why do you go and see him."

"Because he didn't kill me. He kept me there sane and alive. I know it sounds crazy but I feel like there was something there but I don't know what it is." Yuta mind wandered everywhere as he keeps his orbs on the clouds.

"Yuta this is a mistake, but if this helps you sleep at night let me go in there with you." Sicheng says as he pulls in to the courthouse. "Is that Allright with you?"

"Yes." Yuta smiled and they headed into the awaiting place.

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