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The first wedding was finished. Now it was time for yuta to get married to Mark. Sitting in this chair in front of the vanity was nostalgic. He remembered the tears he shed when he found out his mother wasn't showing up.

Yuta smiles as his hair dresser put quick curls in his once straight blonde hair. His hair said the full transformation. Over a year ago his heart was so burden. He had black hair which symbolized how he felt inside at the time. No one noticed of course but he knew the truth.

Yuta could remember how he felt damaged and broken, weak and out of control. However now he feel fresh and light. His hair was symbolic to the his head space now. Free, totally relaxed, most importantly ready for change.

Over a year ago yuta had jumped out the window directly to his left. Now it is blocked off.

"Knock knock. I have a surprise."

Yuta turns towards the door to see ten holding up a hanger with a dress cover over it. The Japanese raises his eyes brows.
"What is that?"

Ten steps in completely and closed the door. He placed the hanger on the door and slowly unzipped the cover. "Well Mark asked me to get someone to make a special gift for you."

After totally unzipping the the cover, ten pulls out another suit. It was white just like a traditional wedding would have. The coat was dashed with feathers. In the very upper right corner was yuta family Cresent.

The best part was that the suit was fitted to hug his figure. His pants were smooth like silk but fit like leather.

Ten smiles and open the jacket. "Mark wants to see you In something different than what he saw. He also knows you have a thing for feather and silk."

Yuta didn't hesitate. Besides he only had about ten minutes before he entered into the main room. As yuta quickly changed he made sure to protect his hairstyle.

After he was completely dressed yuta looks to himself in the mirror. He didn't look the same as he did. Oddly enough he looked way younger.

Almost instantly he notice his youth coming back. Yuta looks to ten with a sheer grateful smile. "I love it."

His cherry red lips perfectly contrast with his suit. The feathers made him look more angelic than the sparkles. He felt just as the feather were, light in both spirit and physical form.

"Yuta it's time." One of usher called to the Japanese. Ten and his hairstylist left before him. He slowly walks down to the entrance with the usher.

Yuta couldn't wait to see Mark at the other end of the aisle. He just wanted to run to him. The blonde felt his nerve ramp up as the door slowly opens. The orchestra playing caused him to almost have a panic attack right there.
He couldn't decide if he wanted to smile his face of or hide in a corner.

However when he made eye contact wuth mark everything fell into place. Yuta feet moved on their own. He didn't notice his steps getting a little bit faster. His heart pounds like a drum. He was loosing his mind. He desperately wanted to be next to Mark right now.

Finally his wish was granted when he got to the end of the aisle. Mark hand was stretched out to him. With a grin wider than a Canon, yuta gladly took it and stepped up right beside the Canadian.

"Friends and relatives, we have come here today at the invitation of Lee Mark and yuta Nakamoto to share in the joy of their wedding." The priest starts.

As the priest did her thing as the two stared hopelessly in each other's eyes. This time it was yuta's turn to say his vowels.

Yuta glances down as he felt Mark take both of his hands in his. Yuta taken it as support pushed the nerves down and spoke.

"I remember over a year ago we had planned our wedding. We were so excited to finally legally call each other our own. However I had made a mistake, it was the biggest mistake I have ever made from that day that I lelt you at this very alter."

Yuta had to break eye contact with the younger. "You still loved me after I embarrassed you. You always wanted the best for me even when I was selfish and full of greed. Although you had plenty of chances you never cursed me in the media. You stuck by me."

Yuta gulps down the on coming of an erosion of emotions. "I will always love you for that. You mean so much to me. I promise you that I will stay by your side. When you are broken, I will be there to help put you back together. When you feel like you can't bare anymore I will take the load for you. I will do it all with a smile because you did it all for me. I love you so much."

Mark heart flutters at each and every word. They both had flaws. Mark was a hot head and over protective, yuta hates to be controlled and looked over. That was a recipe for disaster yet here they are.

Mark braces himself and collects all of his thoughts in his head. When ready he starts by saying, "yuta." He guides his hands through the older's curls. "I remember like it was yesterday, we had played the hide and seek. I thought I was safe going into your room. But I didn't know that was the day you would find out that I lied about being deaf."

Mark slides his thumb on the soft cheeks of yuta. "You didn't tell everyone. You didn't even tell your brothers. Then when the truth came out you stood by me. We were a team. We are in love. But I know it's going to be a rough road a head of us. Just as you promised early, I will stick by you. Even when you don't want me there I will continue to be there right beside you. You might get sick of me, but I promise I will never get tired of you. I love you."

Everyone in the crowd by now was gushing from the drastic amount of love that coursed through the air. You had to be soulless to not feel the intensity of the love between the two.

After they were done the priest say to Mark "will you please repeat this vow to yuta, repeat after me: I Mark Lee will take you yuta to be my partner to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, I promise to love and cherish you."

Mark happily repeats with the most genuine tone of all.

The priest them looks to yuta. "Will you please repeat this vow to Mark saying after me: I yuta, take you Mark to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, I promise to love and cherish you."

Yuta repeats everything. Their precious presence was speaking for them now. Both yuta and Mark looks to the priest when the following words left his mouth.

"Would you Lee Mark take yuta to be your partner lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sicknessas long as you shall live?"

"I do." Mark said without a doubt. Not caring if he was looked down upon, Mark inches closer to yuta.

"Would you yuta Nakamoto take Lee Mark to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sicknessas long as you shall live?"

"I do."

"You may now kiss."

Mark did just that. The kiss wasn't just any kiss. In it was passion. With recognition of the past struggle. It was all mixed in with a hopeful future.

Mark and yuta couldn't let go. They held hands as they walked down the aisle.

Timeless {Yumark +win}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang