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"His touch glided across her soul like a forgotten hymn, poisioning her armour. She wondered if it was a sin to feel pain as euphoria."

❃ B l a z e ❃

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B l a z e

I dragged my fingers through my hair, trying to tame the knots that had formed throughout the night. I read the message that was written on the back of my bathroom door by Annikah, something Dr. Lincoln had encouraged- Strength lies not in victory, but in struggle.

Two weeks ago, I would have thought it useless, but right now I was desperate for any method that would help me from digging an early grave.

My entire bathroom wall was now covered in such quotes to try and erase the memories of my self-harm. My favourite was something Rafael had written a week ago- The stars shine brightly within you, galaxies of strength lie at your fingertips.

I didn't know if I believed it, but it was beautiful.

A long shower later, I dressed in what had become my uniform for the past fourteen days. Grey joggers and a white tee, sometimes a hoodie, if I was feeling extra terrible.

Travis had encouraged everyone to dress the same as me a couple of days ago to drag me out of whatever dazed mist had covered my eyes. We looked completely idiotic in grey joggers and hoodies, but he said looking like asylum runaways was the look of the season.

The memory brought a momentary smile to my face.

However, when I stepped back into my room, it wiped off my face. My heart halted as it often did when I noticed how barren it looked. After our cleaning session two Sundays ago, I hadn't got to packing like Andrea had told me to.

Every time I tried to fill another box with my belongings or ruffle through my closet, I'd have a flashback to all my sleepovers with Kiara and then hear her voice taunting me in the back of my head. I'd end up falling asleep to escape, mostly skipping meals in the process.

My sleep schedule had changed drastically throughout the last two weeks since I had started seeing Dr. Lincoln. It felt like my body was catching up on years worth of lost sleep. The more I slept, the more fatigued I felt.

Dr. Lincoln said that lethargy and nausea were side effects of the pills that she had prescribed, but I didn't want to admit that I barely had any recollection of my senses. Every second of my day seemed to blend into one another until it was just one tiring loop.

I just wasn't sure where all this exhaustion was stemming from.

I piled my hair in a messy bun, avoiding looking at my reflection in the mirror. That's another habit I had developed, not engaging in vanity. I just didn't want to see what I had seen a million times- discoloured rings and deathly skin. My reflection reminded me that I was very alive, and Kiara wasn't.

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