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"Living but feeling as if though you're dying, constantly struggling when you're never bounded, that's the beginning of an inevitable downfall"

"Living but feeling as if though you're dying, constantly struggling when you're never bounded, that's the beginning of an inevitable downfall"

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B l a z e

"Morning sweetheart"

I stayed rooted to the ground when I looked up to meet Raf's smirking face. He was leaning against the counter languidly, with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Why are you on the floor?" He glanced at the sprinkles in my hand, and then the ones I had spilled on the floor. His eyes twinkled with understanding and humour as he stared at my awkward crouch.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed lowly, causing him to rise an eyebrow.

"Aren't you happy to see my face in the morning?" he raised a hand to his chest, and I scoffed despite feeling much calmer with him here.

Standing up rapidly, I brushed my knees while Raf traced my every movement in silence. I scanned his outfit appreciatively, a black crew neck with grey chinos. The sleeves of his jumper were pulled up to his elbows, showcasing the ink swirling across his veiny forearms.

Focusing on his tattoos, I noticed how intricately they were etched onto his tan skin and the way they some of them looked like beautifully written inscriptions. A particular tattoo of a pyramid caught my eye which was surrounded by a galaxy of stars. It was a peculiar design but one that looked like art on his arms.

I was snapped out of my earnest trance by a deliberate clearing of Raf's throat.

His eyes were shimmering with mischief, as he cocked his head to one side. "A great way to start your Sunday. I wonder who motivated you to have a treat first thing in the morning " he motioned towards the food I had placed on the counter with a knowing smirk on his face, and I scowled at him.

"I like fairy bread too" I protested meekly, but he just grinned at me.

There was a moment of silence, and then his gaze trailed down my body. I had the urge to shy away from his eyes as they met mine in a steady stare. All of a sudden, he bit his lip as a fit of chuckles escaped his throat.

I was about to snap at him, when I looked down at what I was wearing.

Pajamas with red ladybirds all over them.

When I met his stare once again, it was brimming with amusement and I could practically hear the remark on his tongue.

"Don't say a word" I gritted out through clenched teeth, however my annoyance was shadowed by the rising embarrassment flushing my body.

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