Chapter 14

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3 weeks after

Here I am at a bar indulging myself with so much liquor trying to forget and ignore what I'm feeling right now!! I feel betrayed!! I feel hurt!! I feel like I woke up from the most beautiful dream and realized that it all just a dream and illusion of mine but most of all, I hate myself right now because I can't help but feel worried about him.

Worrying about what might have happened to him. Worrying about where is he right now if he is okay. I tried to find him but I didn't succeed. How can I?? I only know his first name and nothing else. They didn't even leave any clue about their full name. Champ has been pursuing me to ask for my dad's help from this but I can't. I don't want him to know that I'm having this kind of problem.

He will only worry about me. I tried to solve it and find him on my own. I search everywhere to see where might he be but I realized. How can I find someone who doesn't want to be found because if he did? He should have left me something, anything. for me to be able to find him. But it's nothing!! I hate him!! I hate everything that he said. I feel like he just lied and take advantage of my feeling to me.

That he didn't really love me. I don't know why but a huge part of me still misses him so badly. Just one clue is all I need. Just one call from him letting me know that everything is gonna be okay between us. That he didn't really leave me for good. That he just needs to do something very important and he will come back to me. I miss him so much!! I miss him that I feel like I'm gonna die any minute further that he is not here with me.

It's been three weeks already but nothing! Not anything from him.

This is what I've been avoiding when I told myself that I will never fall in love with someone!! This is what I've been trying my best not to experience. I don't want to feel this kind of hurt and pain again!! I'm still hurt with my mom's passing and now this happens to me. I just want him. I want him to feel him. I want to hold him. I want to kiss and touch his body!! I want to hear his voice.

I was just drinking my 5th round of beer when my hurt best friend joined me. Like me, he was left alone by his boyfriend mild too. We both don't know where the hell they are right now. He tried contacting him but no reply. It's like they are just our imagination. They disappear without letting us know why. I don't know what happens because that day everything is perfect and in place.

We promised to know each other and be together. I don't f*king know what happens.

"Mew, when are you coming back to Thailand?" Champ asked me

"Why? Maybe next week or the next. I'm just waiting for my dad's call but." I was about to speak I don't want to go home yet because I'm still hoping that Gulf will come back to me. but It's been weeks already!! I'm losing my mind right now.

"I want to go with you!! I want to find Mild!! I'm losing my mind right now friend!! This is the first time I felt this strong connection to someone. I thought first that mild is gonna be just one of those lovers that will come and go into my life but he was different Mew. I feel so much love when I'm with him. He is the only person who made me feel so happy and contented. He is the only one Mew. I don't care wherever they might be right now but I'm gonna find him. I'm gonna start in Bangkok. I need to find him, Mew!! He will be mine again!!" He firmly said to me.

I don't know if I can do what Champ is about to do. I don't have the liberty to do that now because if ever my dad will ask me to do our business now and he doesn't return yet, I tried looking for him in Bangkok but nothing, I was so exhausted looking for him then go back in the island to fix my remaining engagement with the people here. I still have my promise surfing show that I can't cancel. My mother always told me to live up to my word, that my word should be my contract. I think it's a sign already that I and Gulf aren't meant for each other.

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