Chapter 45

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Sorry In advance, but for the plot please bear with me!! 😼😼



I opened the door and was very shocked when I realized who is it

"Hi Mew!!" She smilingly greeted me

"MEGAN??" I confusedly said, what is she doing here? I thought she was with her mother already

"Mew we need to talk." She seriously said to me which made me confused and started to feel anxious, I know Megan so much because of our families, She is always the happy-go-lucky girl but now she looks different. I have never seen her so serious like this!! What happened? I tried to hide my nervous feeling and just smiled at her

"Ahh Okay, but not here." I said to her.

"But why? I already told you Mew this is so serious so we can't talk it out here!!" She confusedly said to me

"Yes! I know but my baby, I mean Gulf is here. He can't see you again." I firmly said to her, I don't think, Gulf is ready to see Megan again. She then became looked upset and down.

"Okay, if you say so. Can we go to your office downstairs instead?? We really cannot talk about what I want to tell you in a public place. I want to talk to you alone." She looked so desperate, I don't know why but she looked like it is the most important thing right now. She even tries to hold me but I step back which made her a little looked shocked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." I didn't let her finish.

"It's okay, Megan! I'm sorry but it's just me now. I don't want to gulf to know someone is touching or holding me." I firmly said to her

"You really are that loyal to him ahhh, Good for you!!" She said while looking down.

"So shall we?? but wait here first, let me just change into something more decent, even though it's already Saturday and there are no other employees in our floor office, I still can't be seen going there only wearing this. You know what I mean." I said to her, I'm currently just wearing some shorts and a T-Shirt.

"Okay! But be fast, I need to tell you this now. This can't really wait!!"

"Okay!!" I said then I proceed in going back to my room.

Gulf is still peacefully sleeping when I arrive so I think it's okay for me to leave and talk to Megan for a while, I don't have the heart to wake him up especially now that he was resting, He needs it very much after our sessions last night.

After I put on some decent clothes, I briefly went near my baby then I just kissed him on his lips before I proceed in going out. I looked at him again and smiled when I see that he was smiling so widely while sleeping. Maybe he was dreaming a very good dream right now. I write a simple note and left it on our side table, I'm sure I will be back before he wakes up but just in case I didn't, My baby doesn't need to find or be anxious about me being gone. He tends to overreact sometimes.

"Sweet dreams bii, I will be back!!" I said to him then I proceed in going out of our room.


Author POV

Mew and Megan are now in Mew's office.

"Here." Mew offered her a drink, mostly it's beer because he knows how much Megan loves it.

"No thanks, Mew. I can't drink any of that anymore." Megan nervously said, Mew can see and feel that but he chose to ignore it. He just wants all of this to be over so that he can go back to his boyfriend's side.

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