Chapter 27

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Here I am in our room. I woke up in the middle of my sleep because I'm feeling so hungry!! I checked the clock and it says that it's already 6 in the evening. Mew is not here right now because he had some urgent things to handle in the office so he had to go there in the mornings. I've been sleeping after my lunch till now . He is not here by my side so I guess he hasn't come home yet.

I checked our mini-fridge here in our room to see if there are still some extra dragon fruit. Since yesterday, I've been craving it so much that it's the only thing that I want to eat but sadly there is none anymore.

My tummy makes another sound because of hungriness again. I caress it.

"My little beans!! What should we do. There is no food in our fridge anymore maybe because we already ate all of that earlier in the breakfast and lunch!! We only choose to eat our dragon fruit earlier that we forget to leave another for our dinner. What should I do with your food now??"

I'm starting to get emotional again. What should I do!! I'm still very shy about going outside our room and go to the kitchen to ask for food. What should I do. Mew always said I shouldn't be shy anymore because this is now my house but I still can't help it.

I quickly run into our nightstand to get my phone so that I can call Mew but what if he is in the middle of a meeting. I don't want to disturb him. I tried calling on Mild but he is not answering.

"I guess we don't have any choice, my babies!! Pride and shyness will not feed our hungry tummy!!" I said while caressing my tummy. It made another sound again. I guess I really need to go outside and try to make my food. I don't want to bother somebody. I'm sure they are busy with their task.

I carefully step out of my room than carefully go into the kitchen. When I arrive at the ground floor of this mansion, I am literally grasping my air.

GOSH!! Why does the stair have so many staircases!! I notice that when I got pregnant!! I can easily become tired just by doing something so trivial like this.

"GOSH!! My babies!! Why are you sucking all your mommy's strength!"

When I arrived at the kitchen, I was so relieved when I saw that there are no other employees right here now. I started looking all over the fridge to see if there is something I can eat without cooking.


There is something that I watch on TV earlier this morning. It's a korean mixed dish, it is made out of rice, some vegetables like carrot and spinach, beef for meat. You just have to mix it together then buala!!! You have a delicious mixed dish!! I want it so bad!! I'm sure mew can make it for me because he is a good cook but he is not here.

I checked the rice cooker and was so happy that some rice was already cooked here but my only problem now is the other ingredients. I tried getting some carrot and tried peeling it myself. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing but I'm really hungry na and it's the only food that I crave right now. I don't want anything else!! If I try eating other food that I don't like I will surely just puke it all out.

I'm not trying to cut the carrot according to the size that I saw on the TV. I'm creating so much mess in here.

"So you must be Gulf!!" Someone speak all of a sudden that made me flinch on the spot. I accidentally cut myself.

"OUCH!!!" I can't help but yelled a little.

I saw a man quickly approach me then held my hand that has my bleeding finger to the faucet to soak in water. I didn't see his face yet because I'm preoccupied with my hand. After that, he quickly got somewhere then come back to me to apply some medicine and bandage to my wound.

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