Chapter 51

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"What now? Have you find him already?" Mild nervously asked Mew as saw him arrive back at his mansion after searching for his boyfriend the whole half-day, He has been staying in another hotel room but mostly he just sleeps in his car!! He cannot go back to their Hotel Room because he will just remember the person he has lost because of his carelessness

Mew just sadly said NO, which made Mild broke down again!! It's been 3 days already that they don't have any update about Gulf. It's been radio silent with him ever since he went away to god knows where. It's like he deserted everyone even Mild.

"You know what!! this is your f*cking fault!! You did this!! I shouldn't have let Max be with you in the first place!! You hurt my bestfriend and now we don't know where is he!! He is pregnant!! He is in a very fragile state of his life now!! What if there is something wrong that happens between him and his children but we have no idea about it!! What if because of how much it hates you right now he decided to just forget about even us !! You made him do this!! You push him to run away from all the people he loves and loves because of your stupidity!! I hate you!! I hate you!!" Mild angrily said to Mew while Champ is trying to stop him from completely hurting Mew, He can't blame his boyfriend for being angry with Mew!! He knows how much Gulf is important to Mild!!

"I'm sorry!! I'm really sorry!! I didn't want any of this to happen!! I love him!! I love him!! I want him back!!" Mew repeatedly said as he drops and sits on the couch. He started to cry again. It's been 3 days that Mew hasn't been himself anymore. He was looking for Gulf nonstop, his been going to every hotel where Gulf can stay in the meantime, His been checking the hospital too for a chance that Gulf was involved in an accident. He doesn't sleep, he doesn't eat. It's like his life had stopped ever since Gulf had to disappear.

"You love him?? seriously?? Are you sure about that because from what I know, if you love somebody!! You will never do anything to hurt and push them away!! You will never sleep with anybody else especially if you have someone whom you say you love and you consider as your life!!! You will be contented with him as your partner in life but what is this?? You have another child from another woman during the time that you are already with gulf!! He just left you for a day and this what you do??? The hell with your love Mew KIRIGUN!!! He doesn't need it!! He needs your commitment and full trust but what is this!! what is this!!" Mild angrily said to Mew, He was able to let go from champ's hold and charge at Mew!! He punches him!! Everyone was shocked about what Mild did but it seems that Mew doesn't feel it. He just remained still and keep mumbling

"I love Gulf!! I love him!! I can't lose him!! I love him!!"

Champ was successfully been able to pull Mild away from Mew again. Mild wants to hurt Mew some more but they were interrupted when someone just enters the mansion that made Mild feels more at rage.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?? Why are you hurting the father of my child!" Megan who just came from her check-up angrily said as she runs near Mew to try and take care of him but Mew just pushes her away.

"WOW!! So this woman is living here now?? No wonder Gulf never wants to go back here!! Here you said that Gulf is your life but you are still making this f*cking b*tch enter this house!!! I can't believe you!!" Mild angrily said

"And who are you to tell me where I can stay!! I have every right to stay here? Uncle Tharn said that I go here especially now that I'm in a very fragile state of my pregnancy!! See there!! Their driver accompanied me!!" Megan said then she tries to hold Mew again but Mew angrily stand from his sit and face Megan

"Can you please just shut the hell up!!! My dad allowed you to go here just because you are having my alleged child!! I don't have any choice about it because of the child you are carrying!! It made me want to vomit but it's still a kirigun!! WE DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CHOICE!!! We arrange for you to stay in our hotel but you are so f*cking persistent?? Do you know why I usually never came here anymore?? It's because you are here?? I only come back to this mansion now because Mild is here but if he is not?? I would rather stay on the road than to see your fucking b*tch face again!! Got that!! Don't even try to hold me or be near me again cause I may forget that you are pregnant and hurt you again just like what I did last time!! Remember my father is not here to stop me so if you love your life!!! JUST STAY THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY!!!" Mew angrily said to Megan which made her feel afraid once again, he remembers how angry Mew was last time that he almost killed her. He steps back a little bit and runs away from Mew and to go back to her room.

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