Chapter 50

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Tharn POV

I was so angry knowing what she did and said to Gulf!! I can't believe she was able to do that on him!! She even lied!! I couldn't imagine what might Gulf have felt upon hearing Megan words to him!! What she said was so different from what my son had told me what happens!! I wanted to confront her but before I could even do that, I saw my son quickly stand on the floor and angrily charge on her.

He angrily strangled her!! I never saw my son angry like this. He looks like he can kill anyone on sight

"YOU LIED TO HIM!!! YOU LIED TO HIM!! HOW CAN YOU SAY ALL OF THAT MY BOYFRIEND!!! YOU HURT HIM!! YOU HURT MY LOVE AND MY BABIES!!! HOW DARE YOU!!" He angrily said to Megan while he was holding her neck!! He even pushed her to the wall. I know how my son is feeling right now, He loves Gulf so much and Megan is at fault with his disappearance but I cannot let my son be a criminal because of this!! He looks so angry!

I quickly run to his side and tried to pull him away from megan

"Mew!! Son! You have to let go!! You are hurting her!! I know what she did was right but she is still pregnant!! Please let go, son!! You don't want to make everything more worst right?" I asked my son trying to calm him down. He looks at me still holding Megan's neck, she was trying to push him away but my son is so strong

"She hurt Gulf dad!! She hurt my babies!! I can't let her go with that!! I swear I will protect them right!! I promise Gulf that I will do my best to take care of him and our babies but this f*cking woman!!" Mew seems so out of it!! He looks so angry! He looks at Megan and stops talking. He just looked at her with so much rage in his eyes than speak again

"YOU HURT MY BABIES!! HOW DARE YOU HURT THEM! WHEN YOU ARE NOTHING TO ME!! YOU ARE NOTHING!! I DIDN'T DO WHAT WE DID ON PURPOSE!! YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME AND OUR SITUATION THAT NIGHT!! YOU MADE GULF CRY!! YOU MADE HIM HATE ME!! I CAN NEVER FORGIVE YOU!! I WILL HURT YOU AS MUCH AS YOU HURT MY GULF!! YOU HURT MY GULF!! YOU MADE HIM LEAVE ME!!" Mew angrily said that he grip on her neck more tightly! I saw how Megan started to choke and lose her breath so I did my best to my son away from her!! Even if I'm kinda old already, I still did my best to pull him!! My wife will be angry at me if he sees that I let my son be a criminal.

"Son!! Please let go of her!! Think of Gulf!! You think you can still find him if you killed her!! you will be brought to Jail!! Son!! Please!! Your mom doesn't want you to become like this!! Please, son!! Please!!" I said to him, he still looked so angry at first but then after a few seconds, he let go!!

He looks so lost and not himself.

"She made Gulf leave me!! Gulf is angry at me!! He is gone!! He hated me now because of her!! Our babies! Where are my babies!! I said I will protect them!! I promise I will never make him cry again!! I promised him, dad!! I made him cry again!! IIfck up again!! I did this!!" He keeps saying this thing while walking all over the place. I went near him and try to hold him but he just went away from me

"This is not your fault son!! We just need to find gulf! We will find him!! You don't have to worry!! He will come back to you! I promise!!" I said to him. He stopped walking then all over. He just looked at me with his very sad-looking eyes and there I saw his tears started to fall again from it. He looked so devastated then he dropped on the floor again and started to wail!!

I feel so hurt and devastated for my son!! and My wife always makes sure that he was happy and safe all his life. My wife always makes sure that Mew is happy and comfortable, so looking at him right now crying and devastated like this broke my heart. I feel like I disappointed all my promises to my wife that I will make sure that Mew is always happy and secured.

I was about to walk and went near Mew when I saw how Megan suddenly lose her consciousness and drop on the floor so I quickly run into her.


Still Tharn POV

I'm currently here at the hospital waiting for the doctor's advice regarding Megan condition, Mew is not here right now because he started to look for Gulf, Megan was begging him to stay, she was crying because she was scared that her baby was harmed but Mew is not listening to him. He looks like he doesn't care about anything or anyone right now but to find Gulf! I can't blame him because if I were in his position right now and it was my wife who is missing, I will do the same.

I miss my wife!! especially right now!! I need him to help me and tell me what to do to help my son!! I'm trying my best to be tough for Mew because he needs something to hold into especially now that his reason to continue living is gone.

"Bii!! What should I do!! I'm really confused right now? How should we handle Megan situation! What if she was telling the truth and Mew is the father of her child!! What will happen to Mew and Gulf!! I saw how much they love each other!! Did you hear your son right? You know how much he loves Gulf!! It's like I was looking at myself in the mirror whenever I see him like this. It reminds me of the first time I know about your condition!! It breaks my heart to see our son looked so lost and devastated like that!! Please Bii!! Please tell me what to do!! Please bii!" I said to myself while trying to talk to my wife, I can't help but start to cry too especially while thinking about what might happen to my son if Gulf is never found!! My son will die if that happens. I was able to survive my wife's death because I have him. I have to be strong and I have reason to live because of him. I don't know what will happen to him if he cannot find his love anymore. It was so hard for him to give in to love than to turn out this way!! My heart is aching for him. My son doesn't deserve all of this heartache. Both of them. Doesn't deserve any of this!?

My tears are flowing for my son.






















After a while of waiting, the doctor came out and speak to me about Megan's condition!!

"Are you the father?" The doctor asked me

"No! but I think it's my grandchild whom she is carrying" I seriously said to the doctor

"Ahh okay, Sir! I have good news and bad news for you. The good news is that the baby and the mother are safe, The babies heart rate seem stable, it's still too early because she is only a month pregnant but the rhythm is good which is a very good sign but the bad news is, Her pregnancy is very fragile, The hold of the baby on her uterus is very fragile. It means that the risk of miscarriage is very high so you have to be very careful with her!! Please avoid any stress for her! It will threaten not only the baby but also the mother. I will prescribe you so medicine to help her pregnancy but I'm telling you!! The faith of this baby and the mother is in her hands and her support system. Please take care of her." The doctor said, I just nodded at her.

What should we do now!! How can we take care of her if Mew is so angry at her and preoccupied with Gulf!! I'm about to lose my mind already!!

Type please tell me what to do baby!! Please help me!!

To be continued


Where does your Gulf be right now? Can Mew find him??

What do you think will happen next

Comment and Vote are so welcome

Love lots


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