Chapter 18

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I thought after what happened to us earlier everything is gonna be okay. I tried my best not to give in to him but he was just there. God knows how much I miss him!! I miss him so badly that I slipped!! I just want to feel him. I want to touch him! I want all of him. I was high on my hope that everything is gonna be okay between us.

I just need to hear his reason!! I don't care how lame or small it is I just need some explanation from him because I suffered so much when he left me. I just want something and he still can't give it to me. I wonder what is it that he is having a hard time telling me. Am I that not important to him that he thinks he can just take advantage of me

I love him so much. I want him so much but I can't just let him play with my feelings. I can't!! I'm not someone who deserves to be treated this way!! I deserve better than this. They deserve more.

He keeps saying that he loves. He keeps saying that he is sorry but what is this!! Why does he treat me like this? Why!! Why!! I can't understand!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" I yelled so loud that I'm sure I will be heard all over the mansion

Here I am in my room destroying everything. I'm not really like this but he is making me act like this. He is changing the hell out of me!! He keeps on hurting me!! Am I not worth it for him!!

"Ahhhhhhhhh" I keep on destroying everything!! I don't care anymore. I'm hurt!! I'm fucking hurt. I don't know what should I do or think anymore!! I want my mom!! If only he was here. If only he is here to tell me what should I do!! he knows everything. I'm sure he knows what to tell me but he is not!! My mom is not here!!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" I was just yelling and yelling and yelling until suddenly my door opened up and revealed a man. I looked at him with my teary and sad eyes. He quickly runs into me and hugs me.

"God!! What happens to you my son!! What happen!! Why are you acting this way!! Why are you hurting yourself? See!!" He lifted my arms. I didn't realize that I was bleeding already. I was bleeding maybe because of the things that I keep throwing and some of those were glasses

"Your Bleeding son!! Martha!! Martha!! Get in here fast!!" My father yelled at someone which I think is one of our maids

After a while, a running woman came into my room

"GET THE FIRST-AID FAST!!" My dad yelled at her which she immediately complied. I just keep on crying in my dad's arms. I need this. I need him right now

"What happened, son!! Please talk to me!! I know you are not used to telling me things because you always had your mom but I'm here now. Please tell me. I can't see my only son be like this. Please tell me! I'm starting to get worried for you!! You never acted this way! You are the calmest person I know but what is this!! Did something happen? Please tell me!! I'm sure I can help." My dad sadly said to me. I lifted my head and look at him. I can see how worried my dad is for me and I hate it. I hate seeing him sad because of me. So I quickly wipe my tears away and try my best to calm down.

"It's nothing dad!! It's nothing!" I said to him then I started to walk away from him but he stopped me

"Nonsense!! You are just like your mom!! You never tell me things even though you are suffering. I know your suffering son!! I can see that in your eyes!! So please tell me!! I'm not going anywhere unless you tell me what is hurting you like this!!" My dad firmly said to me. I know this look on his face. He will always have this look whenever he and mom are talking about very important things. This look makes you give up on lying or hide things from him and just want to say everything.

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