Chapter 47

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Still hours before someone visited Gulf

Author POV

Mew arrives at one of their hotel branches in Phuket to talk to the one person he can only think will be able to help him with his problem.

His dad!!!

He doesn't know what to do anymore, He feels so afraid about what this news will affect Gulf and their relationship!! he didn't mean any of this!! He feels so trapped and confused right now.

All of their employees that are seeing him right now are confused especially when they saw the grim look on Mew's face. Mew is trying so hard not to broke down right now. He needs to know what to do. He needs to talk to his dad to know what to do!!

Mew arrived at Tharn's office looking so despairing.

"Dad, Can we talk." Mew seriously said without minding all of the other people who are also in the room with his dad. Tharn understood the look on Mew's face right now so he immediately instructed all of the people in front of him to go outside for a moment.

That is when Mew finally broke down, he drops on the floor and started to cry. Tharn was shocked about it. He quickly runs to his son and holds him.

"Son! What happen !! Why are you like this?? Where is Gulf?? Did something happen to your partner?? Please talk to me! What happen!!" Tharn worriedly asked his son.

"She said she is pregnant dad!! She is pregnant!!" Mew hysterically said, Tharn began to be confused about what Mew is talking about. Tharn let go of Mew to look at him.

"What are you talking about son! Who's pregnant?" Tharn asked his son.

"It's Megan's dad!! She said she is pregnant and it is my child!! She said she is pregnant with my child!! What I'm gonna do dad!! What should I do!! I don't know how would I tell this to Gulf!! Gulf!! He can't know this. He can't be stressed about it. Our babies!! Dad!! I'm losing my mind!! What should I do!!" Mew hysterically asked Tharn who is so shocked about what he heard.

"What?? How can she be pregnant with your child?? How can that happen! Are you sure??" Tharn asked Mew.

"I don't know that but she told me it is indeed my child!! I didn't mean it to happen!! We are drunk!! Remember last month, when Gulf ask me if he can stay with his dad for a while and I let him, you are away that time too. She went to our house because she wants to talk to me!! That's when I told her about everything. I told her about gulf and she accepted it!! I thought it was finally fixed!! Then something happens to us. I don't know I really don't remember!! I was so drunk that night. I thought I'm with Gulf but it seems that it's all my imagination!! But she said. She said something happens to us and it brought us this child!! I swear I didn't mean to dad!! I didn't mean any of this to happen!! I don't want her!! I only want Gulf!! I only love Gulf!! I can't hurt him!! We are having our babies in four months!! Dad!! What should I do! Gulf has a pregnancy scare already!! I'm afraid what might it do to him if I told him but I promised him, dad!! I promise that I will never hide anything from him!! Dad!! Please tell me what to do! Please help me!! Please help me!! I'm losing my mind already dad!! Please!!" Mew said while hysterically walking all over the room, He stopped in front of his dad and Kneel in front of him. He looked so desperate.

Tharn was shocked for quite a few seconds, He couldn't believe what is happening!! Then he finally gathers himself again and goes down to face his son!

"Son!! Listen to me!! You have to talk to Gulf!! You have to talk to him and tell him about this. Don't wait until he learns any of this with other people again!! It will be more devastating for him!! Tell him about this yourself, He will be pissed!! He will be mad but please trust him!! Trust his love for you, I'm sure he will understand. I believed you didn't mean to do this but if it's true that Megan is with your child, you have to face that too but you don't have to leave Gulf and choose her. I will help you deal with her family, I will not let them ruin your family with Gulf!! You have to talk to him son, I'm sure he will listen!! We will put his OB on stand-by and the ambulance if something bad might happen, I hope not but we will be ready!! Don't break down and be strong for him and your babies Mew, Gulf will need you when he falls and I'm sure he will, this is not gonna be easy news for him but you have to accept all of it. Don't worry son! I'm here!! I will be here to help you but for now!! Tell everything to Gulf!! Explain everything with honesty!!" Tharn firmly said to his son, Mew looked at him seriously before speaking.

"Your right dad!! I need to tell Gulf!! I need to tell him everything!!" Mew seriously said but when he realized what might Gulf will react to do this, he can't help but cry again. Tharn quickly pulled him into a tight hug to try and calm him down

"I'm so afraid dad!! I'm so afraid!! what if Gulf will never understand what's going on!! What if he will never want to be with me anymore, I can't let that happen, dad!! Gulf and our babies are my life now! My life is nothing and useless without him!! I'm don't want to lose him, dad!! I can't!! I won't!!" Mew said in between his sob, Tharn just remain on hugging and calming his son!

"You won't lose him, son! Trust with his love for you! We all witness how much Gulf love and trust, It won't be lost just because of this. Trust him, son!! You have to trust him!!" Tharn seriously said while caressing his son back!!


Back to present

Somebody POV

Megan arrives so I immediately got up from my sit and confront her. I still can't believe what she had done!! This is not right!!

"Are you really sure about what you have done Meg? Aren't you afraid of what might it do? To Mew?? To Gulf?? What happens if it threatens his babies too, I heard he was already brought to the hospital last time because of so much stress and you added another?? Do you not have any conscience anymore?? Do you realize what will happen to him because of this!! He did not do anything bad to you!!" I asked her, she was just sitting on my couch sipping her favorite drink.

"What do you he didn't do anything to me!! He did!! He ruined everything!! Everything is already set for our wedding!! I already had plans for our business!! Our family!! Our life together!! But after he came into Mew's life!! Mew just tossed me for him!! He doesn't care about me anymore just because of that faggot!! so I don't really have a choice anymore!! Mew doesn't want to believe or even acknowledge the child! This way, Mew doesn't have a choice but look and think of me and this child alone!! Not that useless f*cking gay man!! I just need him out of our way!! I'm a mother now! I can't do everything for my child!! Beside!! I don't have anyone!! My child needs his or her father!!" Mew firmly said to me

"But."I was about to speak but she stopped me

"Don't tell me that again!! He is the father period!! I don't care about anything else but my child's welfare!! Besides, I'm sure my family will forsake me if they knew about my child being conceived out of wedlock! I'm just thinking about both of our welfare!! Am I wrong about that??" She angrily said to me! I can't what she was saying right now!! This is not right!! She can't do this!!

"But Megan, it is not." She didn't let me finish!!


"MEGAN!! COME BACK HERE!! MEGAN!! MEGAN!!" I tried calling her back but she is not listening!!

GOD!! This is so wrong!! What should I do!! What should I do!!

To be continued


As I said last night, I will pause on this story. My other book Taming the Spoiled heir is nearly done, I would like to focus on that before continuing this book!! I'm kinda confused already because of the conflicts of both books. I hope you understand.

If you are my loyal readers, You already know me as a writer. You know the drill on how to handle my books 😄

Please don't worry!! I assure you!! I will not disappoint you

Waanjai MJORA

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