Chapter 46

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Author POV

8 Hours after Mew met Megan

Mild and Champ just got back to their condo unit from Gulf's dad in the hospital. Mild is the one who checks up on Gulf's dad whenever Gulf is not available due to his work and pregnancy. It's okay for Mild to do this because he already sees Gulf's dad as his father too, His parents are always away. He's used to it, that is why Gulf and his dad are very important to him. They are his second family and he can do everything for them.

"Hon, Uncle is recovering, right? You see even though he is still in a coma, You see his complexion? He is already back to his normal skin complexion compare to his pale skin before the trial. The doctor said that he's been improving this past few weeks and they are so optimistic that he will regain consciousness in dew time. I'm excited to tell this to Gulf!! I'm sure he will be thrilled." Mild was still speaking but he stopped when he noticed that Champ is not listening to him. Champ has always been this way but he chooses not to think about it!! He is always out of it like he was thinking deeply. He wants to ask Champ about it but he was afraid that it was something to do with their relationship, he is afraid that it was something so bad. Call him a coward but he is afraid to make things complicated between each other so Mild always chooses to ignore it. But he is getting so tired of this setup already.

"Why can't he just tell me to know what's going on with that head of his!! I can take anything, he just needs to talk to me instead of shutting me!! I need him to talk to me. How can I know what is his problem if he won't talk to me." Mild thinks to himself.

He started to walks beside Champ, he held his hand to get his attention. Champ seem so shocked when he looked at Mild, which made Mild more confused

"Hon? Are you listening to me, Is there something wrong. Please tell me hon, I will listen to anything. Why do you look so out of it again?" Mild smilingly asked Champ, he wants champ to feel comfortable with him and speak, but instead of answering, Champ let go of Mild hands and walk quite a way from Mild.

"It's nothing hon? You're being paranoid again." Champ said without looking at him, his back is turn around from Mild

"Paranoid?? Really?? Did you see yourself?? You so out of it again!! I'm talking to you but you aren't listening to me!! You've been like for days already!! What is it Champ?? Are you tired of me now?? Just tell me!! I can take anything!! Tell me instead of shutting me out!! I don't like you treating me this way!!" Mild angrily said but was shocked by Champ reply

"I SAID IT'S NOTHING!! WHY CAN'T YOU BELIEVE ME!!" Champ turns around shouted at Mild which made Mild flinch on the spot then he turns his back again. Champ never acts this way with me even after they met again here in Bangkok, Champ always talks to him calmly. What change??

Champ notice it so he quickly changes his expression, he turns around again before speaking

"Ahhh it's nothing on! I'm just thinking about Work, My training is nearly done. You know how busy I'm about to be especially in the coming days that Gulf is not working anymore, Mew asked me to help the new representative of your Accounting firm in the Hotel, I have so many things to handle and think about, I'm sorry if I seem to be distracted." Champ walk in front of Mild again He held his hand and smiled before speaking.

"This will not happen again hon!! I'm sorry. I hope you forgive me. I didn't mean to shout at you!! I'm just really pressured right now, I never had this kind of responsibility before. I don't want to disappoint Mew and his dad. I'm so sorry hon!! Please forgive me." Champ smilingly said, even though Mild is still not convinced with what Champ is saying to him he still chooses to just smile and brush off all the bad feelings he was having right now. He just wants everything to remain good between them, He loves champs so much that he can ignore his bad feeling and just remain listening to Champ.

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