Chapter 38

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Mew and Gulf are currently laying on their bed, hugging each other, feeling each other warmth and sincere love. They have just finished their steamy session, Gulf wants another round but Mew doesn't want to as he doesn't want to tire his Gulf so they decided to just cuddle.

"Bii? Are you feeling okay? Did I tire you?" Mew said in between his kissing activities on his Gulf. He just keeps on kissing Gulf's neck then to his shoulder then to his neck again. Gulf can't help but moan a little while Mew is doing this to me.

"Of course not boo!! You are so gentle with me and our babies, I'm sure they are happy to welcome and feel you always too." Gulf smilingly said.

"Thank you for choosing to believe me, Thank you for choosing to love me still. I don't know what I would do if you don't. You and our baby beside my dad are my only family now, I can't give you up for anything else. Please don't leave me in the future baby! Please don't!" Mew stops kissing him and just held Gulf tighter.

Gulf felt the weight behind Mew, He knows how much sadness and anxiousness Mew had been feeling ever since he came to know about Mew's wedding arrangement with that Megan, He felt how much Mew is so afraid that he will let go of Mew's hand. Gulf then held Mew with the same tightness assuring the man that he is here and he is never going away.

"I'm here boo! I'm here!! I know, I may felt for a very short while the feeling of just escaping all of this. I felt so afraid and angry but it's all just for a moment boo, I cannot leave you especially now that we are building our own family. My children need you, I need you! but most importantly! I love you!! No matter what, I will always choose to believe and understand you because you are my life too, You and our little family in a making." Gulf sincerely said to Mew which made the man so happy and relieved.

"I know I already said this bii, but I will say it again! I didn't mean to lie or hide this from you! I did this to protect you. I don't want you to be stress by any of this, I thought that if I resolve it even without letting you know it will all be okay. I just want you to always be safe and happy, I'm sure if you have known about it, you will be sad and worried! That is the last thing I want you to feel my love, Honestly, I'm so new to all of this. I never experience loving someone so deeply like this. Like how I felt for you, nothing is gonna compare to this. You are the only one, I never learned to love my whole life except of course to my mom and dad. I don't know how to do things so I'm just doing things that I thought is right. I never thought that it is not. I'm so sorry baby! I promise! I will try my best to learn! I will try my best to be the best husband in the future and the father of our children. I love you so much, baby! so very much!!" Mew sincerely said to Gulf, He then turn around and face Mew, He held Mew's face and intently looked at him

"I and our babies don't need you to be perfect boo!! We just want you to remain to same and continue to love us, nothing more nothing less. I love you just the way you are but please don't do this again boo? Don't ever lie and hide things on me. We are going to be partners right? how can I be your partner if you are hiding things with me? I don't care whatever it is, it may hurt me and or make me happy but please don't hide anything from me again. I just want us to be always honest with each other for us to work. I want to be with you forever Mew. I want to be by your side and lay with you in our bed like this. I want to be able to kiss and feel you until destiny allows us to. I want to be with you but I can't do that if we can't trust each other boo. So, please. Please don't do this again. I love you but I don't think I can make it if another like this happen. Please boo?" Gulf sincerely asked Mew.

"I promise bii!! Never again!! I love you so much!! I love you!! I love you!! I love you!!" Mew repeatedly said while was kissing Gulf nonstop. Gulf can only moan while feeling what Mew is doing to him. Mew then stopped and looked at Gulf again

I LOVE YOU! MR.SURFER (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now