⚔Chapter 1: When the clock stops ticking

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"My condolences." The neighboring kingdoms' representatives began leaving the Kims after the funeral. Heather and her mother stood before Lewis's grave, weeping hard. It was a dreadful misfortune they needed to accept. 

 Helena also came but she chose to stand away from the two. It would only make things more complicated between them. Sure, she was indeed sad and heartbroken about her son's death but she wanted to give the two the space and privacy they deserve. 

"Mother?" Heather called and held her mother's trembling hand. "Father wouldn't want to see you crying like this." Mirana couldn't help but hug her daughter tightly. "I'm still here. Don't cry." 

If only Heather knew the intense guilt her mother felt that day. Mirana can't stop blaming herself for Lewis's death. If only she didn't get so angry, if only she wasn't too much, he wouldn't have left them so suddenly. 

After hours and hours of staying at the cemetery, they were brought back to the palace to rest. Mirana looked very exhausted. She didn't look as vibrant as before. After what happened, she forgot how to take care of herself. 

"Young lady?" Berta called and went inside Heather's room. Heather didn't look good as well. Even with her young age, she still understood what was happening and she's struggling to accept it. "Is mother gonna be okay, Berta?" She worriedly asked. "I don't want to see her like this every day." 

"Dear one, I'm sure your mother's gonna get through this. Your family will get through this." She sat beside Heather on the bed and pulled a story book from the shelf beside them. "Will reading you a story make you feel better?" Heather's sad face slowly lit up. She smiled at her Nanny and nodded. Nothing else would calm her down except for a happy ending. It was the only thing she was hoping for at the moment. 

After so many moons, Heather was finally back to her old self. She was once again as cheerful as she was but Mirana never changed. She had to stay in bed for weeks due to her growing illness. Heather could only stay beside her mother. It's the least she could do to make her mother feel better.

"Should I read you a story, mother? I've been practicing my reading for you." Heather softly asked and flashed a hopeful look. Mirana smiled and kissed her daughter's forehead. 

"I'm sorry." She weakly whispered. Heather can't help but notice how her mother got weaker and weaker every day. All Mirana ever does is lie on her bed and read books of different stories. Heather was afraid of her mother leaving her too. She just can't lose her and she needed to do everything to make her mother happy. Sadly, it seems like her best wasn't enough and will never be enough. 

One day, Helena came with a young boy to their palace. He was someone Heather had never seen once. She felt curious and followed her grandmother to Mirana's room. She quietly leaned against the door and listened.

"She's too young, mother. My daughter will make her own choices when she's older." Heather heard her mother say. "You can't chain her to someone at this age. I will never approve. I know Lewis won't either."

"Mirana, my son had agreed to my condition. He let me decide Heather's future." Heather's eyes grew wide. "He agreed to this already." 

"Lewis only agreed to Heather living with you. He didn't agree to you, controlling our daughter." Mirana defended. She had an irritated look on her face. If she didn't have any respect left for her mother-in-law, she would've asked her to leave the moment she came.

"He agreed to both my conditions, Mirana. Heather is under me now and all you have to do is stay still and watch. She will marry the son of Prince Philip of Hayhill. That will strengthen both kingdoms and ensure Heather's future." Heather backed away and returned to the main room after what she heard. She was mad, bewildered! 

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