⚔Chapter 27: Read the lines

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Lunchtime ended with Heather and Firo completely silent. Maya and Chase noticed this but they decided to mind their own business. 

Heather was heading to Eva Lee's office and she found Firo heading that way too. They locked eyes with each other out of pure confusion. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "Non-players should return to the dorms. Did you get your schedules messed up?"

"I'm playing." Heather simply answered and continued walking. Firo was twice confused. He immediately followed after her. "What's wrong with you? Stop following me."

"I've been picked too. Don't get the wrong idea. What I don't understand is why you're playing. Do you even know how that game works? It's brutal." Heather sighed and crossed her arms. "Don't tell me you volunteered to this yourself."

"Eva Lee picked me. I have no idea why and she said I can't say 'no' to this. Now, if you're gonna start blabbering about staying low and being your "responsibility", spare me this time. I don't want to hear it."  She opened the door and went inside the room. She widened her eyes when she found out that were only four girls in the room, including her. Eva Lee wasn't there but everyone is already present, even Flake at the back who is reading a book. "So it's really happening," Heather told herself and looked for a seat. Firo couldn't say anything else and sat on the chair in the right corner of the room. 

After a few seconds, Eva Lee came in with her signature blank face. "It's nice to have everyone here already." She said and sat on her red egg chair. "Most of you are already familiar with Hinker but I had to pick new ones because players from the fourth years have already finished their education. We're all here to hear the new rules and changes I implemented for this year's game. As you can see, I have chosen a few ladies from different classes. Hinker is now a game for every capable student. We should be fair in the next years. Any objections?" Heather quickly raised her arm. "As I expected. Yes, Ms. Kim?"

"Why are there only four girls when you said you wanted to be fair? And why are you the one choosing the players and not the students willing?" She asked.

"Good question. I base the players on their skills. If you're too weak, you can't join because you will die. Many are willing but few are qualified. You, four girls that had been chosen, match the strengths of these boys. I've been observing everyone's performance this week. Unfortunately, the rest of the girls are too vulnerable to compete. I think we should value life over anything else. I meant fairness in power and wit, regardless of their gender. If you're strong, you're qualified."

Heather wanted to ask why she was one of them when she clearly has nothing to defend herself with. She wanted to ask what's her strength, what did she have that the rest of the girls don't, why did it have to be her? But she can't ask those with everyone in the room. They'll see through her and find out that she's different.

"Anything else?" Eva Lee asked. None raised their concerns and kept quiet out of fear. "Very well. Moving on to the changes in the game... As you remember, every player should keep his identity with an undername. You compete without your friends knowing who you are, without the players knowing who's who. It depends if you want to reveal yourself but it should be done after the game otherwise, you're disqualified. Because the rules regarding the players changed and we have girls this year, instead of wearing different colored cloaks, everybody will be wearing the same concealing cloak so you won't hesitate to injure a player because she's a girl. There's no gentlemanliness happening in the game. That's one of the new rules. Your strengths are balanced so there's nothing to worry about. You can apologize to each other after if you want."

Heather's worries went sky high. If I die in this game, all they can do is say sorry?! She turned to Firo and caught him looking at her with worry but he quickly looked away and faced front. Now he looks like he pities me now. Too much for being a mere "responsibility'" 

"To those who are new," Eva Lee started again. "Hinker is a game where you can freely express your strengths and cleverness. You fight against each other using your powers and there are no restrictions. You will have to do everything to win as the champion. Our last year's champion's undername is Pyre and he injured every player to win. That's what every single one of you should do when the day comes."

The orientation ended and they were told to return to the dorm. Heather went straight to see Loo and ask her for any advice. She was heading to the tree when she saw Flake already sitting under it. She remembered what happened the day before and ran but of course, Flake heard her come and blocked her way. "I wasn't following you this time if that's what you're thinking. Fine. You can keep your secret however you want. I'm not gonna dig into you again so live in peace. I'm not gonna cross the line knowing it'll cost me my life."

"I didn't want to do it."

Heather scoffed. "Oh tell me about it. How big is your secret that you would kill someone just to keep it? But then again, I shouldn't be asking this anymore. I'll just visit Loo some other time. You can talk to her today."

"I seriously didn't want to do it. I didn't want to lose a worthy opponent that's why I warned you to stop." Heather's brows furrowed. 

"I'm sorry. A worthy what?" She asked.

"An enemy," Flake answered but she was still confused. "This is the first time I was challenged by someone. Everybody would simply pave the path for me but you're the first one who blocked my way."

"Let me get this straight. You wanted to spare me because you want me as an enemy?" She asked and Flake nodded. "Goodness. Everyone I know wants friends but you're wishing for enemies. All right then. You just got yourself one. I'll be a competent enemy so don't regret this afterward." She turned around and left Flake secretly smiling to himself. 

Heather decided to go to the library next and read "In Ruins" to know her opponents' strengths and weaknesses. All she can have against them is knowledge and that's what she's going to look for. She sat on her usual spot and began reading until nightfall. 

After reading almost half of the book, she unknowingly fell asleep. The lights coming from the halls were turned off and the door of the school is already closed. The book in her hand fell and someone came flying through the window to pick it up. "Why did you have to be dragged into this?" He quietly said and carried her in his arms. 

He flew to the dorm and knocked on Heather and Maya's room. Maya opened the door and didn't ask further questions. She just let him in so he could bring Heather to bed. "She must be mentally and physically tired after what happened today and also yesterday." Maya said. "What are you going to do about the game, Firo? She's against all those powerful creatures. I still remember Chase helping you with your bruises last year. Heather's not gonna last a second."

"Eva Lee changed the rules so I won't be able to find her among the players. But I think I know her plan to survive the game. I'll give all the books I can find to help her but don't tell her that it was me." Maya was about to ask him the reason why but Firo quickly left the room. He spent his whole night searching the wide library for books about every creature's powers, strengths, and weaknesses. It was the least he could do for her.


I'm sorry for not updating yesterday😢 Our school's giving us endless projects just because it's the last quarter🙃🥴 Also, belated happy Easter everyone!!🥺💓 

I hope the chapter's okay and I'll return again tomorrow if I can. It's mid-quarter exam week but I will seriously try to update😘🥰

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