⚔Chapter 24: When it strikes back

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"Now, fall in line and no pushing. You're in your second year. Be mature." Mr. So said, breaking the separate universe of the two. 

Heather stood up and fell in line. She decided to brush what Flake said off for now and focus on the class. Flake, on the other hand, hoped Heather listens to him. All those girls that disappeared started like this. They all wanted to figure him out but none succeeded. He also stood up and went to fall in line.

They got inside the wooden cabinet that serves as a portal to the Unlighted Forest for years. Heather found it amusing and 'wowed' in her head. The moment she was in, she can't help but hug herself because of the cold temperature. It was freezing and she can see her breath leaving her mouth. The whole forest was dark and eerie, considering its bloody past.

"What I want you to meet today is one of Parailla's majestic creatures, a Pegasus." Heather's ears rang. The first Pegasus she saw was in the village and worst part, it was just an illusion. "Let's not be noisy because it might scare them. Pegasus are shy creatures, that's why they don't come out at day. They prefer the dark where they are hidden. But today, I have negotiated with one of their kind. She's extremely shy but she likes seeing students in school."

Heather bit her lip in excitement and looked around her. A white Pegasus, twice the size of a person, suddenly flew above them, causing everyone to quietly 'woah' on their positions. Heather was petrified and astounded. It's her first time seeing a real one. As a child, she wished to see creatures like these and now, it's finally happening right before her eyes. "I can't believe this." She told herself with her hands closed on her chest.

"Everyone, meet Heroine. She's a young Pegasus who is kind enough to be with us today." The creature quietly neighed and looked at the students. "She said everyone looks beautiful." Mr. So translated. 

Flake stood behind Heather and looked at her reactions. Why does she look like she hasn't seen one in person? He thought and wondered. They've seen a Pegasus back in their first years and back when they were younger and Heather's expression confused him. She said she's not human. Why do my guts tell me she is? 

Heroine suddenly started walking in Heather's direction. She gasped and stepped back. "It's okay. Let her come to you." Mr. So said. Heather didn't move an inch and waited for the Pegasus to interact with her. She really thought it was her but Heroine went past her and came to Flake instead.

"O-Oh..." The guy said and softly caressed the creature's forehead. "You wanted to come to me?" He asked and smiled. Heather crossed her arms and swallowed the embarrassment. She expected Heroine to come to her and so did the others. Yet here the Pegasus was, having the time of her life with Flake. She got lowkey jealous and disappointed but she can't hate the creature. She's too pretty to be hated. 

 Heroine turned around and suddenly looked at Heather. The two looked at each other for a few seconds before Heroine shook her head and returned to their professor. "Why did she act like she had crazy thoughts for a moment?" She asked herself and thought, Can she smell me too? 

Of course, Flake heard this and his suspicions rose again. She's definitely hiding something. 

They returned to the classroom after a few lessons about Pegasi and the Unlighted Forest. Heather had a smile plastered on her face after everything she's seen and heard. It was truly a dream come true for her.

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