⚔Chapter 63: Going against bedtime

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"Should we do something?" Wiggins whispered to his wife after seeing both Heather and Firo, not in the mood at dinner. Margaret nodded and cleared her throat. "Did something happen at school? Why are you playing with your food?"

Heather quietly dropped the knife and fork and glared at Firo. "I'll be in my room. Thank you for the food, Mr. and Mrs. Kang," Heather said. Margaret was going to say a word but Heather had already gone upstairs.

"What did you do?" She asked Firo who only looked at the steak on his plate. "She's your guest. You should've taken care of her--" Firo stood up and went to his room too. Margaret was left astounded. She looked at Wiggins, but the guy only shrugged. "Ugh, that little brat."

Heather kept rolling on her bed.  She can't forget about her conversation with Firo earlier. "He seriously thinks I'm naive enough not to understand my own feelings? Why did he have to force his opinion like that?" She rolled to the right side of the bed. "Me? Like Flake? I'm engaged--" She stopped and rolled to her left. "He was right about one thing. I didn't have any other choice but to stay loyal to Levi, even if we don't see each other romantically. But assuming that I don't know what it feels to like someone? That's just bonkers. What does he think of me? A stupid lifeless, little doll?" She sighed and looked at the ceiling. "I thought I scolded them enough for underestimating me."

She tried closing her eyes and forget about it. Unfortunately, she's too bothered to close her eyes for at least a second. She covered her face with a pillow and screamed in frustration. 

That morning after she woke up, she immediately went downstairs to make herself a cup of coffee. It would be enough to keep her awake after sleeping for only an hour or two. Firo also left his room yawning and stretching his arms. He found her in the kitchen, and seeing her drink coffee made him realize that she hasn't slept--exactly what he expected after their talk.

Heather caught him looking at her and a frown formed on her face. "What? Are you here to dictate shit to me again?" Both of them widened their eyes after hearing her cuss. "I'm too stressed to even talk properly." She furiously left the kitchen and went to the indoor garden to lighten up.

"My parents left for work earlier today. I'm also going for a walk. If you need anything, just ask the helpers." He said before taking his morning walk. 

Heather scoffed and took a sip from her cup. When she heard the door close, she left the garden and went to her room to get a pen and paper to start writing the drafts for their book. Flake and Heather already discussed with Ink Fictions before the break, and they decided to write Heather's entry. "I never thought there's more to the story than just the lesson," She told herself and wrote "similarity=simiIarity" on the paper. "It looks the same but there is always a difference to tell them apart," She told herself and continued writing.

That following day,

"You're leaving already? Why did the days pass so quickly?" Margaret complained and kissed Firo's cheek before sending them back. "Be careful, you two." She said and they waved goodbye as Heather and Firo get on the train.

"I'll help you with that." He was going to take her luggage but Heather moved it away and walked away from him. "Right. I should've expected that." He went inside a separate cabin. Heather sat in the farthest back, away from him. 

They arrived in the dorm but none of them had the plan to talk to each other. Heather's avoiding him and Firo's just being understanding. He caused it to happen in the first place.

"I got the drafts right here," Heather said and placed several papers on the table. "I also made a few changes to the plot so it doesn't come out as something obvious." They're gathered in Ink Fictions's pavilion to discuss the book they're making. "We're having our exams tomorrow so I thought, we should finalize everything today. It's gonna be a busy week for all of us." 

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