⚔Chapter 71: Counterclockwise

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Flake leaned away, and Heather took that chance to get out of the room. She didn't look back and kept running until she arrived in the dorm. "Maya!" She shouted and pulled the girl who just went out of the room back inside. Heather locked the door and panted.

"What is it again?" Maya asked and raised a brow. "I'm pretty sure you got in trouble, so I'm not even surprised."

Heather placed her hand on her chest and looked at her friend. "Maya, if a guy..." She stopped and hanged her head low. "Who am I kidding? I know exactly what it means!" She let herself fall on her bed with her face down. "But can't he just express it in words?!" She shouted in a muffled voice.

"If a guy what? Who are we talking about here?" Maya asked and sat on the edge of Heather's bed. "Did Firo mess with you?" Heather shook her head vigorously. "If it's not that dork, then who made you like this? I don't think Chase is involved in any way." Maya gasped, realizing something. "Was it Flake?"

Heather pulled herself together and sat down. She looked at Maya with scared eyes, then covered her face with her hands. "It was a kiss," She quietly said. 

It was too inaudible for Maya, so she scooted closer to Heather. "Can you tell me again? I didn't get that."

Heather grunted and removed her hands from her face. She looked at Maya and sighed. "He kissed me," She said with a blank stare. Maya's jaw dropped, and her eyes grew wide. "I had a feeling he would go for it when he tilted his head, but I did nothing. I just...I just stood there and waited for it to happen."

"In the lips?" Maya asked with a trembling voice, pointing at Heather's lips. Heather closed her eyes and nodded. "Oh, good lord!" She shouted and pulled Heather for a hug. "You're all grown up. I'm so proud."

Heather furrowed her brows and quickly pushed Maya away. "Really? You're not gonna say bad stuff to him like, he's so rude, or, he didn't have the right to do that? He's in no position to do it. We're not even close friends, to begin with! I was just starting to get used to him, but what he did changes everything. It's gonna be awkward from now on. Didn't he even think of that?"

"I get your point, Heather. Why don't you try to talk things out with him? You know, get some closure." Heather rolled her eyes and laid down. "The guy must have his reasons."

"Reasons, excuses, whatever. I've got better things to deal with than getting all problematic over a kiss. I just hope he wasn't so...reckless."

That afternoon, Heather went to the river, wearing the dress Firo bought her from Chase's mom's boutique. She decided to forget about what happened that morning and focused on the more important part-- that Flake is Snow, and the book he wrote might have the answers she needs. 

She dived into the water and swam towards the deepest part. When she emerged, she found herself in Acquives. Unfortunately, the river wasn't protected by an enchantment, unlike the one in the pavilion. She's all soaked, but she has her priorities.

She went straight to the library across the stream and looked for the book A Forest with no Trees. "Found it," She said and leaned on the shelf. She turned to her favorite part--the most mysterious chapter, and read it with her eyes.

'No one is willing to look into it deeper. No eye is willing to see the truth. What seems to be significant to most, is actually too insignificant if reflected.'

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