⚔Chapter 40: Where did it point?

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"Drop that," Heather said the moment she entered the dorm with her eyes wide. Firo was reading the entries she made for Ink Fictions. "Firo Kang!" She ran and snatched the papers from him. "These are off-limits."

"You wrote a story about a rabbit and its nemesis the grasshopper?" Firo asked with his brows furrowed. "What do you think of Paraillans? Kids?"

"Have you no imagination?" She folded the papers and hid them inside her pocket. "There's more to it than just the characters. If I want to be accepted in Ink Fictions, I need to impress them with something unexpected." Firo rolled his eyes and shoved his hands inside his pockets. "What are you doing here anyway? How did you even get inside?"

"I was looking for the book Chase borrowed from me. He said Maya borrowed it next and I'm here to take it. Maya said she left it at the library and asked me to wait." Firo answered.

Heather mouthed an 'oh' and went to her bed. She knelt and took out the books from under her bed--the ones she read before the game. "Did you know Maya read so many books? She brought these under my bed for the game. I'm still grateful for this act of kindness. Looking back, she didn't like me before but she still gave me these."

Firo raised a brow. She thought it was Maya? But it's better if she doesn't know it was me. "I guess...?" That's all he could say. Heather knowing the things he does for her will only create an unwanted bond between them. That's the last thing Firo wants as of the moment.

Heather cleared her throat and glared at him. "Are you just gonna stand there? You won't even help me? These are a lot of books. I can't carry everything." But Firo only stood there and looked at her with a blank face. "I honestly have nothing to expect from you." She exhaustedly said and carried the stack of books herself, leaving the room.

Firo looked at the remaining books on the floor and sighed. "Don't even think about it, Firo." He told himself and tried holding himself back. But in the end, with a click of his tongue, he picked up the books and left the room with them.

On his way out, he found Heather arguing with Flake in the hallway. "Are you saying it's my fault?! You weren't paying attention to what's in front of you! You can't just blame others for your mistakes!"

"You're too loud. It's annoying." Flake said and went inside his room.

"That little-- The audacity of that ass to walk out like that and didn't even bother helping me-- Ughh!! Boys." She angrily said and picked up the scattered books on the floor. Firo sighed and walked towards her. Heather saw him coming and looked up. "What? You pity me now?"

"No." He knelt and put down the books he was carrying. He helped her stack the books that fell and when he was done, he stood up and continued walking. 

"What is really going on with him? One second he's a complete meanie, now he's being all...useful." She looked at the stack of books on the ground and picked them up. "At least he's a lot better than this jerk here!" She kicked the door of Flake's room and left the dorm, heading to the library. 

She saw Maya with Chase sitting on the couch while reading a magazine. "So this is what took them so long..." Firo suddenly said behind her. "I can't help but think something's going on between them at this rate."

"Can't friends be that close?" Heather asked and turned around. She placed the books on the table nearby and looked at him. "That's the problem with you. You don't know the term "friends" yet. It's not all about being with someone for a long, long time like forever. It can also be being with that someone, enjoying your time together, and cheering each other up within the time that was given to the both of you. I think you needed to hear that, Firo."

Heather left and visited the shelves to find some books to borrow. There was one book that is titled "A Forest with No Trees" and it caught her attention. She pulled it out and turned to the first page. "By Snow." She read the author and felt curiosity fill her up again. "Why are the books here so interestingly magical?"

"Heather." She heard two voices colliding. She turned her eyes to the side and looked at them. Firo was standing on the left and Flake was also there beside him. The two boys looked at each other, confused. 

"Is this the feeling of being in demand?" She playfully asked and walked towards them. "What is it this time? Let me guess, Flake's gonna annoy the heck out of me again, and Firo's gonna say useless things about what I said to him a second ago. Bring it on you two. If I haven't mentioned it yet, I was against five debaters from one group while my team was having a mental breakdown. I was able to save my team at the last minute so there's no way I can't handle what the both of you are gonna throw at me."

"I'm talking to her first. Get lost, Kang." Flake said to Firo.

The other scoffed and took a step closer. "I came here first. Wait for your turn."

Heather narrowed her eyes at their little competition. What do they think of this? A classic high school production? "Oh, knock it off lovebirds. I have no time for your shitshow." They stopped bickering and looked at her. "If you're just gonna spend an hour fighting over something petty, count me out." She gave them judging looks and left with her book.

Flake didn't waste one second and quickly went after her. "Jadis wants to see you." She stopped walking and didn't move an inch. "She found the witch's broom's ash scattered on the floor of her classroom. She thinks someone broke inside and she's suspecting no one else but you."


Update!! One more project to go and I'm finally back to updating daily🤧 This chapter doesn't really have that much strong scenes but I've hid some "✨" here and there😅 I hope it was all right!!💖 I'll come back again next time, hopefully tomorrow🙏

Thank you for stopping by everyone!!🤗

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