⚔Chapter 13: Going 7 AM

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Their small talk and little breakfast ended and Firo asked his mother to talk privately in the kitchen. His mother already sensed the smelly troubles he caused. "Please don't be mad at me." 

"I'm already mad at you. What's up?" His mother asked. 

"I accidentally let Heather enter the portal." His mother's brows furrowed. "There's this portal in the forest that I always visit and it leads to the human world. Heather's human and I let her in." 

"No. All portals had been closed since Jadis became Stone Academia's headmaster. There's no way out or way in here." His mother explained. 

"There was one last portal. I read about the past headmaster's brother who turned himself into a grandfather clock as his final being. Everyone thinks it's a legend but I figured it out. I found it and I was able to visit the human world through it." 

"Firo, are you insane? If Jadis finds out about this, you will get into trouble." She sighed and looked at Heather in the living room. "So she's really human?" 

"Yes. The portal's closed and it will open after school ends. Until then, we need to keep her identity hidden." 

"Do you know what you got yourself into? This can be the end of us, Firo. You need to take responsibility for what you did. Your father and I will give you all the help you need but if it goes wrong, you'll be on your own." His mother told and returned to Heather. 

"I guess Firo already told you. He was only helping me get away from someone who wants to kill me." Heather reasoned, hoping Firo doesn't get twice the scolding. "Firo's a really good guy. We just met but-" 

"You don't have to defend him, darling. If there's anything you need, just tell me. My husband will be home soon so we'll think about what we'll do to keep you hidden. Firo will show you our spare room. You're gonna need it." She said and walked away. 

Heather quickly stood up and called her. "You haven't told me your name, Mrs. Kang." 

"Oh. My apologies. I'm Margaret and my husband is Wiggins. Wait till you meat that old man. We've always wanted a daughter so expect him to spoil you with gifts. Now, run along. I still have work to do in the palace." She wore her coat and opened the door. "Firo! Do attend to your guest." She said before leaving the house. 

"Glad it's over." He sighed in relief.  

"You know what? Your mom's really cool. Seeing how she was so worried about you made me remember my mother too. If she was still alive and I'm still being the adventurous me, she would've given me the same scolding your mother gave you." Heather said with a bit of bitterness in her tone. 

"I'm sorry." 

"Don't be. I've completely moved on from that. It's just, it's nice to have someone worrying about you." Firo smiled and looked down. "You were showing me to my room?" He nodded and went upstairs to the room at the farthest end of the hallway.

"You should be grateful it doesn't look like that treehouse back in the forest. No leaking roofs and completely working windows." He opened the door and revealed the room before them. Heather swore she had seen this place in her dreams.

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