⚔Chapter 66: Seeing the opposites

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"No way," Heather muttered under her breath. The results of the final exams are out, and the students once again gathered in the main hall to see the ranking. "Firo ranked first?!" She turned around and faced Firo behind her. "And you got a perfect score? No one has ever achieved that!" She furiously grabbed his collar. "What did you do?"

"I took the exam seriously this time," Firo calmly answered as he takes Heather's hands off him. "If I don't, I'm stuck in my second year. My subjects are failing."

Heather once again looked at the ranking to find her name. "I'm the seventieth, and Flake's the sixty-fifth. I should be grateful but...really?" She looked at Firo again with her brows scrunched. "You're smarter than I thought."

"Chase told me that Maya told him that you didn't take the exam. That's a miracle. Why is that?" They walked away from the crowd and sat on one of the benches.

"We got stuck in Ink Fictions's workplace for the whole day. We spent the whole night finishing the book Jadis wanted us to make while studying for the exam and ended up getting locked inside. Of all days..." She sighed and crossed her arms.

"I guess you get unlucky too." He teased and left the bench. Heather glared at the guy as he takes happy steps to the library. 

Classes for the day ended and Heather quickly went to the pavilion to visit Acquives. She jumped into the pond and swam to the hidden passageway. She found herself in the village again. This time, it's just her and she's not unconscious. "The portal to that underground library is hidden behind the bushes in The Room of Scrolls," She told herself as she headed to the unguarded cottage. "Questions is, how did I get in?"

She ran to the cottage and read the sign. The plants around it looked normal but she's sure somewhere around there is an entrance. "Flake fell on this side," She kneeled and patted the ground. "Should I try falling as he did?" She didn't think again and stood up. With her back facing the ground, she let her body fall, but she just ended up hurting herself. "What's wrong? Did I fall the wrong way?" Then, she remembered the sewer in the market. "That's a safer option."

She picked up herself and looked for the market. Her feet ached after walking for long minutes. The market was indeed far from the cottages, but it was worth the effort. She stood near the manhole and looked around her. Let's just hope they won't see me as a loony. She thought before pulling the manhole cover open. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." She dropped the cover and looked at the lady walking towards her. Heather's eyes grew wide, realizing who it was. "I'm surprised to see you here, Heather Kim."

"Y-You know me?" She stuttered and cleared her throat. "I mean, I was told I could come and visit whenever I want. I'm curious of many things, and I thought I might find the answers here."

"In the sewer?" Heather looked away and gulped. Now that didn't sound right. "I was told that you are quite a Sherlock. I assume that you already know who I am?" 

Heather looked at her with adoring eyes. "You're Wail Karren. You once visited our school, and I have read one of your books. I'm a big fan."

"Hmm. I'm flattered. Would you like a cup of tea? I promise I wouldn't not speak a word." Heather nodded and walked with Wail Karren to her house. She stayed behind the woman, still not believing that she just talked to her, and she knows her name. Wail Karren opened the door and an elegant living room welcomed them. "Come along," Wail Karren said and made their way to the dining room.

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