⚔Chapter 75: Fading echoes

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After they left Heather and Maya's room that day, Firo asked Chase if they could talk privately for a moment. "Did they ask you to do this?" Firo asked the moment he and Chase entered the room. "You've been telling them everything about me?"

Chase closed the door behind him and faced his friend. Firo was mad, but he's trying to keep his cool. "They're still your parents, Firo. Don't you think they should know what's been happening to you?"

"They gave me away. They gave me away and never told me that they were my parents just because of that prophecy. They could've done something else, but they chose to give their son to another family. They have no right to know anything about me."


"Stop meeting them. Promise me, Chase. That would be the last time you'll tell them anything about me. They can't even ask me if I'm doing well themselves. What kind of parents would abandon their son and never visited him as if he never existed? Is asking me if I'm doing well going to kill me? Is telling me that they're my parents gonna kill me?"

"I'm sorry. I thought I was being a good friend."

"You're already a good friend, even without telling my father everything about me. Why do you think I would hang around you in the first place?" Chase smiled and playfully hit Firo's shoulder.


"How the heck, Levi?!" Heather repeated. Levi is still in shock. He just stood there with his eyes wide open. "Levi!"

"Heather?" He asked and moved closer. "No, you could be a little shapeshifter copying my friend. Don't toy with me and show your true self!" Heather brought her left arm up and slapped his face. "Heather?!"

"I'm really Heather, Levi. I'm your childhood friend who's engaged to you. I called you a villain when we were kids because you were so mean. I'm the only person who can snap you back to your senses. And you're one troublemaker who keeps dating a new girl every freaking day! What else do I have to say?"

Levi threw his stick of food away and immediately hugged her. "You're really her. I knew you were alive." Heather wrapped her fine arm around him and nodded. "Everyone's been looking for you. You were just here." He happily said and kissed her head. 

Flake and Firo looked at each other. "Is that..." Flake asked.

"Yeah. The fiancé she keeps talking about. Heather's engaged to that guy, and what are the odds that he's also here?" Firo said and looked away. "What now?" Flake looked at him and furrowed his brows. "You know what I mean."

Flake clenched his jaw and shoved his hands inside his pockets. "Why did it have to be three guys?" He quietly muttered and walked towards the two. "She's not all healed yet. I suggest you should back off for now."

Heather pulled away and looked at Flake. "Oh, by the way, Levi," She called and looked at him. "This is Flake and," She turned around and pointed her thumb at Firo. "That one is Firo. They're just some of the creatures I met when I got here. There were supposed to be two more, but they're not here at the moment."

"Why did it have to be guys?" Levi asked.

Flake narrowed his eyes at him. Is he judging us now? What's wrong with it? Isn't he a guy too? "They're trustworthy. I tried befriending a girl, but she ended up wanting to kill me. Look, it doesn't matter. The real question here is, how are you here?"

Levi thought it was unsafe to talk about it outside, so they went to Master Woora's cottage. Maybe she has things to add to the story. "My mother's a Paraillan, and she's a shapeshifter. That makes me half-shapeshifter. She always told me about this place as a kid. When I was old enough, she showed me a portal leading to a kitchen of an eatery in Magus's Town."

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