⚔Chapter 7: When the clock unlocks

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"So you're telling me that the one Levi bullied is the ghost in the basement?" Van asked sounding like he's not convinced. Heather is still grounded but of course, Van has his ways to see his friend. "Did you bump your head or something?"

"I know it sounds like a story I made up but trust me, Van. These two say it all." Heather said and showed him the muffin and the empty juice box. "This is what Cory wanted to give me. It also says here that I didn't feel bad for him. This... This is what I said to him during lunch. I don't think this is a coincidence. Think about it."

"Okay, let's say that Cory was indeed the ghost. But, how can you explain Levi touching him, punching him like there's no tomorrow? How do you explain how he can be seen by other students. He's more human to me. I think that ghost is only messing with you by trying to pretend that he or she is Cory."

"I seriously don't know what to believe. Strange things are happening and I'm not liking it." She remembered what happened earlier and sighed. "Now I'm grounded for being a victim. Victoria's really going too far. I wasn't disturbing her but she suddenly starts attacking me out of nowhere. And hear this, she likes you."

Van widened his eyes and laughed. "She does? What's this? I thought she's more into classy and rich guys not like..." He stopped and looked at Heather. "Nope. Not my type. She may be your cousin but she's far too different from you. Besides, she always gets you in trouble. That's already a big turn-off. She wronged you so she wronged me as well."

"Tss. I know. Who would fall for her if she's like that? I admit, Vic's really pretty but she's too wicked. If only she was a bit kinder, we would've been friends. She's still my cousin after all." 

"You know what? I honestly can't believe how you could still say that. After all she's done, you still consider her as a family? It takes great understanding to do that. I have so much respect for you." Heather chuckled and playfully punched his arm. "So, what now? If you don't admit to your forced mistakes, you can't leave."

"Hmm. I'm gonna have to ask for an apology even if it's against my will. Grandmother will never believe me. Might as well do as I'm told so I won't get into too much trouble. Levi might need someone to control his temper again. You know how he is."

Van squeezed his eyes shut and nodded. "I still remember him pushing me to the floor when he saw us talking. He almost punched me but good thing you explained. He can be really violent when it comes to you. Fiancé things."

"Would you shut up? It's not because of that." Heather sounded so triggered. "It's really not." Van gave him teasing stares, causing her to slap his arm continuously. "Cut it out. I'm telling you."

"All right, all right, calm down. I'm only trying to lift your mood. I guess I only annoyed you." He giggled and stood from her bed. "I think I have to go. Mother might find out I'm missing."

"Sure, you should go. Thanks for being with me, Van. I owe you another." He smiled and messed her hair before leaving.

Heather sat there and prepared to give Victoria what she wanted: victory. She stood up and fixed herself before going to Victoria's room. Helena was there talking to her as if she's her granddaughter. "Heather. Now, will you be honest?"

I was being honest. It simply didn't work.

"Yes, grandmother." Heather stood in front of Victoria and lowered her head. "I'm sorry for what happened. I sincerely regret what I did. I hope you could forgive me." Heather was forced to say those words. First of all, she was the victim. Second, she was only giving Victoria what she deserved. At least, that's what she believed.

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