⚔Chapter 6: Keep it in seconds

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A U T H O R 

"What did they say?" Heather asked when Levi got out. His parents followed after him with blank faces. "Was it that bad?" Levi didn't answer and walked away. 

"We're deeply sorry if we troubled you, Heather. Levi just needed to hear a few words." His father said. "That guy is growing up but he still has his bad habits." 

"But, weren't we too harsh on him, Justin? This is our problem. We didn't raise him right. Sending him to London is just too much." 

Heather's eyes widened after hearing what Levi's mother said. Without him, she won't have a single friend in school. "Excuse me." She said and immediately ran after him. 

She went to their class to check but his chair was empty. "Where did he go?" She went to the library, the field, the washrooms, the cafeteria, but he wasn't found anywhere. Worry started to grow. Levi is a strong and independent guy but when he's not himself, who knows what he'll do? 

"Levi?" A guy was sitting under a tree in the indoor garden. Heather came closer to confirm his identity. When she did, she didn't hesitate to come. "Levi! I've been looking for you." She sat with him and looked at his angered face. "I heard what happened." 

"All right! If they want to send me to London, then so be it! I never wanted to be here anyway." He angrily picked up his bag and stood up to leave. Heather immediately ran and blocked his way. "What are you doing? You're late for class. Don't involve yourself in my problem." 

"You really want to leave for London? Do you really wish to leave everything behind?" 

"Sure! Why not? It's not like staying here is any better, anyway. It's just the same." He attempted to leave but Heather kept standing on his way. "Heather, just go." 

"You're simply saying you want to leave me here! I only have you and Van as my friends. I only have the both of you to believe me. Now you're telling me you're gonna leave just because they want you to? I lost everyone, Levi. You know that." 

Levi's expression softened. He faced down and sighed. "They said I still have one last chance. I thought so irrationally, I forgot about you. I'm sorry." 

"Just try to hold yourself back, please? I'll convince your parents to let you stay so just do me this favor. I can't afford to lose a friend." Levi smiled and pulled her to a hug. "I will really beat the hell out of you if you leave." 

"Whatever you say, your majesty." 

Lunchtime came and Levi offered to get Heather her food himself. The ever-studious girl doesn't have time for lunch because of their exams that day. 

She was minding her own business when someone suddenly sat beside her. Heather raised her head, just to find out it was the guy who fought with Levi earlier. She didn't think much and immediately transferred to the next bench. To her surprise, he also moved and sat beside her again. 

"May I help you?" Heather asked and looked at him. "I'm busy at the moment." 

The guy shifted his eyes to the paper bag he was holding and took out a packet of muffin. Heather didn't know how to respond when he handed it out to her. She just judgingly looked at him then at the pastry. 

"You want to give that to me?" He nodded and kept that position, waiting for Heather to accept it. "No, no. I'm rather thirsty." But her excuse didn't work when he also pulled out a juice box from the bag. "No. I'm sorry, I can't accept that." 

Heather decided to stand and walk away from him. The new guy immediately stood up as well and blocked her way. He took a pen from his pocket and wrote something on the paper bag. He tore that part and handed it to her. 

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