⚔Chapter 30: No Turn

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Heather returned to the dorm first to change into her dry uniform. Firo waited outside and watched several students pass by. "Did you hear about Pyre not joining this year?" One of the two boys, who happened to be one of the players for Hinker, said. "My class had been talking about it. Turns out the guy's just a one-time lucky fella." They laughed and went downstairs.

Firo furrowed his brows. "Pyre's not joining? Who told them that?" He turned around and knocked on the door. "How much longer? You've been in there for thirty minutes--" The door opened and Heather who had her curly hair tied to a messy bun went out. "It took you this long to fix your hair?"

"It was wet. Everything is soaked. I certainly needed more time. So, where are we headed?" She asked and closed the door. "We went to Magus's Town last time, right?" Firo walked ahead and Heather caught up with him.

"Yeah. That town. It's not crowded today because there's still class. I thought it's better to take you there when there aren't so many people who might suspect you." Firo explained. Heather nodded and followed him to the nearest railway. Using powers outside Stone Academia is still prohibited so they had to go there the hard way. It's very worth it, though. Magus's Town is one of Parailla's wonders.

An incoming train was spotted so Firo quickly moved closer to the rail to show that they're taking it. The train stopped, and the door opened. He let Heather get in first, then he followed. There were a lot of vacant seats so they were free to sit wherever they want. Heather sat inside the third cabin from the door while Firo chose to sit at the farthest back of the train. There's no need for them to sit together since it was just the six of them, including the others scattered too. 

Firo locked his cabin, crossed his arms, and closed this eyes to sleep. It will take a long journey to Magus's Town so he took that opportunity to rest.

Heather, on the other hand, had her window open while watching the scenery outside. She was admiring the rainbow-colored trees from afar when the train stopped. She turned to the train's door and widened her eyes when Flake came in. Without another thought, she locked her cabin and hid her face. She thought she was safe but she heard the lock of her cabin door unlocking, and Flake standing just outside. "No. No, not here." She held onto the lock to stop it from turning. Sadly, Flake's powers couldn't be stopped by a human. He was able to open the door and sit with her inside. "What's your problem? This is my cabin. Go find yours."

"This is not your train, to begin with. Stop complaining." Heather squeezed her eyes shut and stood up. "Where are you going?"

"To find my personal space." Her hand was able to grab the door's handle but Flake quickly pulled her arm, returning her to her seat. "What do you want?!"

"A chat." He answered and let her go. "Hinker's coming after a few weeks and figured you might need something to give you motivation."

Heather scoffed and crossed her arms. "Do you think I'll be motivated by you? Not in a million years. Spare me this nonsense."

"Exams are coming three days after Hinker. Jadis told me that herself. Players won't have time to focus on the exam so there's a high chance that you're gonna fail." Flake said. "But I'm sure I won't."

"Exactly what are you trying to tell me? Are you boasting about yourself right now? I don't want to hear it. I can manage my time and when the exam day comes, I will be completely ready."

"I don't think so. Top students start failing after they become players in Hinker. Your friend Kang right there, ranked last in his class last year because of the game. You need my help, Heather."

"We're competing against each other, Flake. I don't ask my rivals for help. That's a bad move--"

"Fail one exam and you can never beat me. One failure and you can never be the top student." Heather stopped and widened her eyes. "I'm negotiating with you so this little competition between us works after the game. If you fail the exam, that means I'm going to be the top student without trying again. I don't want that."

"This school's stricter than I thought..." Heather quietly said and faced him. "What do you suggest I do? Make sure it's decent."

"Win the game and I'll tell you." Heather looked extremely confused. "You can reveal yourself after the game so if you win at least a place, I'll help you."

"I seriously don't understand you. Do you think I can win that game? I'll be out after a minute. Yes, that's my plan. I'll wait for someone to strike me then I'll stay in the corner and play dead. I'm declining your offer."

"Then that just proves that you really have no powers...that you're human." Heather wanted to smack his head at that moment. So he's given me a trap I can't escape. It's a darn setup. Flake chuckled and leaned closer. "What's it gonna be then?" He asked with a sneaky little smile.

"Screw you." She took a deep breath and nodded. "I'm just doing this because you cornered me. You left me with no choice." She stood up and pushed the door open. "You can take the cabin, mister manipulative vampire." She faked a smile and left, finding another vacant one. She saw Firo peacefully sleeping inside his cabin and decided to ruin his sleep.

She stood outside and began banging his door. The passengers were alarmed, and Firo quickly opened his eyes. "Are you crazy?" He opened the door and Heather quickly went in. "Hey. Hey, this is my private space. You can't be here." But she didn't listen and sat down. "You just won't listen to me, will you?" Firo sighed in defeat and sat across her. He noticed her annoyed face, leaving him curious. "What happened to you?"

"Flake Kim. He's on the train. He mentioned Hinker again. I'm about to lose my wits. I can't stand that guy." She said without looking at him.

"You know what? I just thought of something." He stood up and sat beside her. "Why don't you just get yourself disqualified so you can no longer join the game?" Heather widened her eyes and quickly faced him. "Quick. Tell me your undername."

"Why didn't you thought of that sooner?!" She screamed, causing Firo to lean away. "I already made a deal with Flake. I can't back out anymore." Firo furrowed his brows, not knowing about the deal she's talking about. "That's it. I had this one, little option and I never even thought of it. I'm done for." She wearily laid her head on his shoulder with her eyes closed. Firo was left petrified, bewildered in his current situation.

He turned his head in her direction nervously. "H-Heather... Get off me." He asked. But Heather already found herself comfortable and didn't move a muscle. "Go lie somewhere else. Heather." The other just whined and snuggled down on his shoulder. Firo's hands were trembling, not knowing what to do. 

He suddenly saw Flake at the front leaving his cabin. The latter slightly narrowed his eyes at the sight before him, making sure he's seeing what he thinks he's seeing. Firo glared at him and mouthed a 'This is your fault'. Flake heard him clearly and simply laughed. "Good luck." He said and went straight to get some train snacks.


I keep messing up my schedule🥴 I've hidden Easter eggs in this chapter soooo yeah😅 They're not much of a contribution but they help😉 I hope the chapter's okay🥺 Take care and stay safe everyone🤍

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