⚔Chapter 19: A quick turn

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"What is wrong with her? What is wrong with everyone in that room? Hate me?" Heather laughed and crossed her arms. She doesn't know where she is or how far she is from the school but one thing's for sure, she liked Stone Academia a hundred times less than before. 

She was standing in front of a silver river and under a tree with light pink crystals. It's like frozen ice but in pink. 

What Maya said definitely shot her in the head. She didn't like it. She doesn't accept it. "Right... They're hating on me because I'm new and they think I'm the kind of person who will get on my knees for them... Pathetic creatures." She sat on the grass and looked at the flowing water. 

It was glittering before her eyes. The glitters weren't caused by the light's reflection but the water is glittering like stars within one's reach. 

Heather was suddenly caught off guard by a jumping creature and came to the water. "Did I see that right?" She leaned forward and tried to find out what it was. The only thing she sees is her reflection until something came swimming to the surface and splashed the water at her face. "What in the world?!" 

Her clothes were partly wet but her face was washed with silver water. She was about to leave when a creature slowly showed itself. Its face looks like a purple bunny's but it had fins on both sides. "Nice to meet you, your majesty." 

Heather's eyes widened and quickly came closer. "How did you know? Can you smell the scent too?" She whispered. 

"Yes, your majesty. I can smell royal blood." Heather gulped and looked at her surroundings, making sure no one's eavesdropping. "What are you doing out here? You should be in class."

"Yeah, right." She looked at the little creature and couldn't believe she's actually talking to a talking animal. "Can you spare me some time...? Do you have a name?" She asked. 

"I'm Loo! Water-rabbien at your service." Heather furrowed her brows, not understanding what the creature said. "Never mind. I'm Loo, and I'll be a great friend to you!" 

"A friend..." Heather smiled, remembering Levi and Van back home. "I sure miss those goofballs." She said to herself, then looked at Loo. "Can I talk to you about something, Loo?" 

"Sure! Tell me anything!" The water-rabbien cheerfully said. 

"You see, it's my first time being here and I know I won't fit in because I'm different. A classmate told me that the class hates me because I kind of went overboard earlier. Does that give them the right to hate me?" 

"You said it's your first time here. Why don't you give them time to get to know you? First impressions are wrong most of the time." Heather sighed and nodded. "Was I able to help you?"

"Yeah. It's a little blurry advice but it could work. Thanks, Loo." She kindly smiled and softly patted the creature's head. 

"I really think you should go back, your majesty. You'll get in trouble. I'll be here if you need me again. I'm your loyal friend from now on! That's what rabbiens are for." 

"Lovely. I'll be back later, Loo." She blew a kiss and stood up to return to the school. She just kept walking north until she can see the school's lights again. With a sigh, she went inside and checked the cafeteria if everyone is still there--but they weren't. "I guess I'm gonna have to make an excuse for myself."

She wanted to go to class but unfortunately, she doesn't know which room they're in. She stood there in the halls and gave herself two choices: One, search for her next class and give a reason; Two, stay out and wait for the next class so she can ask for directions. After some time thinking, she went with her second option.

"They all hate me anyway so why bother?" For the first time in her life, she skipped class and risked her reputation. But then again, she has no reputation in Parailla yet. 

She was on her way to the gate when she found Firo looking like he's searching for something. She hid behind a tree and observed. "Where did she go?" He asked and Heather heard this. 

Seems like he's looking for me.

Heather thought but didn't leave her hiding spot yet. Firo suddenly turned to where she was hiding. She quickly hid and covered her mouth. Firo furrowed his brows and slowly walked towards the tree. Heather thought of escaping but before she could, he was able to grab her arm and pull her to him. "Where have you been? I've been looking for you."

"None of your business." She said with an annoyed tone and yanked her arm away. "Don't worry about me and just go to your class. I'm too mad to face those kids after what Maya said. I'd rather go stray than be with people who judge me so quickly."

"You're also judging them so quickly. It's everybody's first day in our year. Try to get to know each other and it'll be fine. You don't have to be liked by everybody, Heather. It doesn't matter if they hate you. Don't let that affect your studies." She looked at him and pressed her lips together. "Give it time."

"Very well. Take me to my classroom, at least. I'm not familiar with the halls." Firo smiled and nodded.

He led the way back and dropped Heather in their next class which is Maths-- the most useless subject in Parailla but still exists. Firo gave her a little pat on the back before leaving for good luck. Heather took a deep breath before knocking on the door, getting everyone's attention. Their teacher stopped the lecture and looked at her. "May I still come in?"

It was quiet with her classmates' stares. She met Maya's eyes and the girl had this 'unbelievable' expression written on her face. 

"It's our first day so I'll let this pass for now. You may come in." Heather nodded and looked for a vacant chair. She went to the farthest right of the room and found one chair with unbalanced legs and a rough desk. It was the only seat available so she can't complain and add fuel to the fire. 

She didn't like how they're seeing her and how they think of her so she only had one thought in mind. I'll be climbing my way to the top from now on. They hate me? Sure. I might not know anyone here and I might be the only person who can motivate myself. Let's just see how they crack when I get my spot. 


Sorry for the late update!!🙏 I really want to update earlier but I keep failinggg I still hope you guys liked the chapter🥺 If there's anything that needs improvement, I would appreciate it if you'd give me a few advices😅

See you guys again next time😘🤍

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