⚔Chapter 4: Tick your tock

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H E A T H E R 

"Vic, dear. You're finally here!" Grandma Helena said and walked towards her. "I was worried you won't arrive on time." Okay, what does this mean? Did she invite her for some reason? The last time Victoria and I saw each other, she almost threw me off a boat during our picnic in Searise! 

"Of course I'll come, grandma. You know I can't miss Heather's party. I'm like..her only sister." Sister? Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!

"Heather, come here and welcome your cousin. She's the grand present I told you about." Pardon?! "I figured you might need a friend in the palace. You're both girls and maybe you could relate to each other. She'll live with us from now on." 

"Fabulous!" - "That's absurd!" 

"Grandmother, I am fine on my own. I'm in no need of a friend. I have Levi, I have V-" That almost slipped! Grandma doesn't know about Van talking to me and it should stay like that. "I have books to keep me busy." 

"But having Victoria here is better. You can go to tea parties together. You could go to school together as young ladies." She has no idea, does she?! 

"I would really love that, grandma." She smiled sweetly and hugged my grandmother. Ugh! The nerve! "Why don't Heather and I have a little chat for now? I'm sure she'll be fine with this if I talk to her." 

"Sure, dear. The party starts at seven so you better get ready. We don't want to keep the guests waiting." Grandmother said and left me with her. 

"Nice to see you again, Heather. You know, I never thought grandma Helena would allow me to see you again after what happened three years ago. Turns out, she still trusts me." Vic said while climbing the stairs towards me. 

"Shocking, isn't it? After you tried to push me off the boat, you still had the guts to step into my palace." She scoffed and flicked her hair. "Don't try to mess things up today, Vic. I'm warning you." 

"Or what? We both know that your grandma will always side with me whatever happens. She doesn't trust you as much as she trusts me." She came closer and crossed her arms. "You may be the princess but you're not as perfect as me, Heather." 

"Get out." She flashed a quick smirk and bumped my shoulder before going to her room. Yes, this pretentious snake has her own room in my palace. Grandmother favors her over me, she's definitely right about that. I just can't believe grandma would go too far by letter her stay with us! I never asked for someone like her. 

"Your highness?" Sarah called and signaled me to go to my room to get ready for tonight. I know Vic's up to no good. I just have to keep my eyes open for her schemes.

"Is the birthday girl ready for her party?" I looked at my doorstep and saw Van leaning on the doorframe. "Hey, why do you look so gloomy? Did something happen?"

"Can you come in for a second? I seriously need your golden advice." He chuckled and sat beside me. Van's the perfect guy to talk to when I have my insecurities creeping in. Surprisingly, he always finds the right words to say. 

"Okay. What is it this time? It's your birthday! You should be smiling from ear to ear yet look at you. I told you, you look the prettiest when you smile but you're all grumpy and sad."

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