⚔Chapter 41: Saved by the bell

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I can't believe this! I returned everything to their places so I won't be suspected, but here I am on my way to her office because I got "caught". Technically, it was THIS insolent creature who messed it up. If he didn't follow me and broke the window open, the ash wouldn't have scattered everywhere. 

"I can hear you." Flake suddenly said. He is walking beside me with his famous glare. "I got everything sorted. Just stay still when we get there." He sped up and went ahead of me. I have no choice. He said I should just stay still so that's what I'm gonna do.

We went inside Jadis's office and found her signing some papers on her purple desk. "Ms. Kim." She said and looked at me. "Thank you for bringing her to me, Flake. You may go." She told and gestured him to leave. Flake only stood there and looked at her extended hand. "Flake, dear?"

"You said this is about the old witch's broom's ash that was scattered in your classroom?" He asked with a serious stare. 

"Correct. I wondered how she was able to last in that game when her powers haven't shown up yet. You saw with your own eyes how she became so strong in that cage. She clearly used a potion and that is something I consider as cheating." Jadis explained. She clasped her hands and turned her attention to me. "Did you or did you not steal ingredients from my classroom, Ms. Kim?"

"Well..." I looked at Flake and hoped he really has something up his sleeve. But I guess not? "The truth is--"

"I was the one who made it for her." He suddenly answered, surprising us both. "I broke inside your classroom and took the ingredients. She's not at fault. I'm the one to blame." He would really go this far to hide what I did?! 

He turned his head in my direction and gave a little nod. It's like he's telling me to trust him. "Are you perhaps, lying to me, Mr. Kim?" Jadis stood up and walked closer to us. "I left the door open before the game, knowing someone would sneak in to save herself. It was to test if she would play dirty or not. Unfortunately, she fell for it."

This sneaky, little witch! "For the second time, Heather doesn't know anything. I didn't pass through the door but through the window which powerful creatures can only unlock. I knew the door was open and I knew you wanted to frame her in this so I took a different route so she won't be blamed for what I did. I saw this moment coming when you 'call for her and accuse her of stealing'. Do you want to see my proof?"  

"Gladly." She said with a challenging expression and left. Flake followed after her without showing any fear or hesitation. He did have things planned out since that night.

We went inside Jadis's classroom and walked straight to the window where he went in. "Take a closer look. The lock's broken and there's a crack outside. How will you explain this?"

Jadis looked at it with her brows furrowed. "I can see that." She leaned away and looked at him. "But why are you trying to help her? You're even revealing your own crime, Mr. Kim."

"You found out what I did. Isn't it just right to admit to my mistakes? Leave Heather out of this. She was dragged into that game without knowing what to do. I'm only helping her out." He took out a vile half-full of the ash and gave it to her. "A little compensation for what I did. I hope we're all clear."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. "Just to remind you that what she did is still a form of cheating. She will be punished--"

"She was disqualified. What else do you want?" Flake cut her off and continued walking. The guts of this guy to talk like that to the school's head. Is he not afraid of anything? What if he's planning to get himself expelled so he won't have to see all those horrible faces?! "I'll pretend I didn't hear anything." 

"But seriously, Flake. Why did you defend me back there? It was the perfect time to see me failing before your eyes. Isn't that what you should hope for? You would win this competition before it even started."

"Eva Lee dragged you into that game knowing that you're hopeless. As much as I want to beat you, I can't let you die in despair. You're new here and you don't know how things work. I'll let you adjust first then that's the time when I won't help you anymore. As you said, the competition hasn't started yet. Don't feel too used to this. It's only temporary."

"All right. I get you. I'm gonna have to ask you a favor though." He stopped walking and faced me. "Look, I'm truly grateful but please don't help me anymore. If things get out of hand, I'll sort them out myself. If things get worse, then I'm the one to blame. I'm just making sure this is the last time you're gonna cover for me. I don't like to receive this kind of treatment from anyone, not even once."

He didn't look so happy with what I said. It's true. I don't like to see anyone fixing my problems for me as he did. Pieces of advice are fine, but doing the act is just something that doesn't sit right with me. I was trained to be independent and I can't forget about everything I learned for so many years. 

"Suit yourself." He patted my head lightly with a kind smile and went ahead. 

"For goodness's sake, don't make me think of mad things. I'm starting to believe the things Gracie Violet told me. No, wait. I'm starting to believe what I assume Gracie was trying to tell me. Come on, Heather. You're engaged...! This is demented."

I returned to the library to hear what Firo wanted to say. Of course, I can't leave the guy hanging, knowing he wanted to talk to me earlier. It would be just disrespectful. 

I went in between the shelves to look for him but I found the book that I left here earlier instead-- the one that is written by Snow. Whoever she is, she knows how to keep her readers interested by just looking at the title.  

I turned to the second page and read the author's words. "How is a forest called "forest" when it's blank and empty? Why do they assume something is a "forest" when it's just a landscape that's covered with blue fog? What becomes of a forest when all its trees were cut down and burnt to ashes?"


Finally successfully updated two days in a row!!😭 It feels like it's been a very long time since I accomplished something like this🥴 I'm getting emotional.. 

ANYWAYS! I might introduce a whole new world in the future chapters so look forward to it💖 I don't know how it would look to everyone but I'll do what I can to make it pretty😊 Also, remember "Snow" the author because this character is quite important😉

I'll reply to comments now! Love to all😘 Thank you for reading🥰

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