⚔Chapter 67: Time on reverse?

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The three of them rushed to the dorm with their uniforms all soaked. Firo went to their dorm first, while Flake takes Heather to hers. "What the-- Did you go for a swim?" Maya asked, seeing both of them.

"Well fell into the water," Flake answered before leaving.

"What's going on? Why are black witches suddenly attacking?" Heather asked as she locks the door. "Aren't they supposed to be...I don't know...imprisoned?"

"They were. Unfortunately, they found a way to break out of their cages. We don't know why they're attacking students. All I know is they had already taken some of us are to their lair. This never happened in years. Why now?" Maya worriedly asked.

"Everything's gonna be all right. We just need to stay here and be safe," Heather said and went to change her clothes. 

That night, two knocks on the door got the girls' attention. They looked at each other with doubt. What if it's one of the witches? They just wanted to make sure. "This is Eva Lee. Jadis sent everyone's dinner." After recognizing her voice, Maya stood up and opened the door. "Ms. Park," Eva Lee started and handed her a tray of two bowls of porridge. "Your simple dinner."

Heather stood from her bed and went behind Maya. "Do you know what's happening outside, Ms. Lee?" She asked.

"Oh, Heather Kim," Eva said and crossed her arms. "May I have a word? It won't take long." Maya looked at Heather with concern. Eva Lee is not one of the kindest teachers. Talking to Heather alone might cause some trouble.

"I'll be back," Heather said and left with their teacher. She walked behind Eva Lee until they reached an office. There were a lot of desks and shelves. Heather assumed this is the place where teachers have their conferences. "What did you want to tell me?"

"Your powers," Eva Lee said and faced her. "They don't exist, do they?"

"Ms. Lee--"

"I've been observing your actions at school, Ms. Kim. I had doubts since the game ended. Hinker was supposed to be the one that can bring your true self to light. I thought it would work but obviously, it didn't. Why is that?"

"You're telling me that you risked my life just so my powers would come out? If I died there, would you take responsibility?" She furiously asked.

"But you didn't. I also had to think of your safety. I'm not careless, Ms. Kim. I saw potential in you, and you didn't fail me entirely. Hinker is also about wit, and you used a potion to make you stronger. That was a clever move. But, your powers are still hidden until now. Do answer me, Heather. You're not from here, are you?" Eva Lee looked and sounded serious. "You didn't just fool me but everybody else too."

"What do you plan to do with me? Sell me out?"

Eva Lee chuckled and crossed her arms. "What do you think would a Skill Control professor do?"

"I just need to wait for a couple more weeks, then I could go home. Please keep it until then," Heather desperately asked. 

"I'm your Skill Control teacher, not your friend. It is my job to know my students' abilities and strengths. But you're powerless. You're human, and you shouldn't be in Stone Academia. However, you have remarkable qualities. You're intelligent and curious--always curious. Qualities enough for everyone to believe that you're one of them."

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