⚔Chapter 28: Moving slowly

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It was bright and sunny when Heather woke up. Of course, it's another illusion the witches have created. She sat down and tried to have any recollection of what happened last night. She turned to Maya's bed and found it empty. "Did she leave already?" She asked and decided to fix herself for school. 

Everyone was chatting and walking with their books in the corridors. Heather scanned the place and found Firo and Chase talking. She quickly came to them, getting their attention. "What do you want?" Firo asked.

"It was you, wasn't it?" She asked while narrowing her eyes. "Maya won't just let anyone inside the room." Firo turned to her and shoved his hands inside his pockets with a 'done' look. "How did you find me?" 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Firo denied and put on a blank face. "Did you dream about it? I'm sure I went straight to the dorm after the orientation. I didn't waste my time looking for you." 

"Stop your rubbish. You brought me from the library because I fell asleep. You got worried so you looked for me. You're the only person who can do that. I'm more than certain." Firo kept his straight face and sighed. "Go on. Tell me. Admit." 

"Do I look like I'm concerned about you?" 

Heather scoffed and crossed her arms. "Technically, I am your responsibility so isn't that a given? Most of the time you are so I came up with that assumption. Now tell me how I got to the dorm when I remembered falling asleep in the library."

"I have no idea." He said and gestured for Chase to leave with him. 

Heather could only furrow her brows. "For real? If it wasn't Firo, then who did? I can't just sleep-fly from the library to the dorm." She thought. 

Heather wanted to know who did it. If a stranger took her there then who knows what else that creature has done to her. 

Meanwhile, Chase had a confused expression while looking at Firo. "Why didn't you tell her it was you? She's gonna spend the whole day asking everyone who took her to the dorm. You told me she's overly curious about things." 

"Heather's gonna think I'm genuinely concerned about her-" 

"Which is true." Chase cut him off causing Firo to throw a glare. "Why not just admit and show it freely? She would even thank you for that." 

Firo sighed. "She'll eventually leave so I won't bother creating a bond with her. Everything's only temporary with Heather and I don't like people leaving. It's just gonna be a waste of time and effort." 

Chase furrowed his brows. "What do you mean Heather's leaving? She's not gonna continue until the fourth year?" He asked. Firo cursed in his head for slipping in front of Chase. 

"I mean she... she'll find new people to hang out with once she gets to know the others. She won't hang out with us after finding new friends." But he knows Heather won't hang out with anyone else because of her secret. He just needed a reason to cover his mistake. 

"Is this also about that friend you told us about? The one who got close to you but ended up getting killed?" Firo stopped walking and looked at him. "Not every friend you will have will die after you create a bond with them. Or was it-- Not every creature you meet will end up leaving you. Take Maya and me as an example. We'll stay buddies until we get old." 

"Heather's different from the both of you. I can't explain why but she just can't be a long-term companion. We should end this conversation about her before it ruins my mood." Chase had no choice but to shut up and thought they should talk about it some other time.

Heather went inside her classroom and found her classmates gathered at the center of the room. "What did I miss?" They were crowding at Rowan's desk but she can't see why.

Flake came inside after her and looked at his classmates too. Heather turned around and seeing him made her smirk. "Is my presence making you smile?" He asked and walked closer. 

Heather's smirk quickly turned to a frown. "Absolutely not. Can't you tell the difference between a smile a smirk? I only remembered you asking me to be your enemy. How fun would that be? You haven't seen what I'm capable of yet." She patted his shoulder and went to find a seat.

Flake didn't want to argue with her on an early morning and looked for a vacant seat too. 

Monique Han came to Heather and handed her a wooden clipboard with gold-colored paper. "What's this for?" Heather asked.

"Eva Lee came here earlier and she wants your undernames written on this paper. Rowan already wrote his's, but we swear, we didn't see a thing. It would be written in invisible ink so feel free to write anything there. No one's going to see it."

Heather took the pen, looking confused. She tried drawing a little heart at the center of the page and found out that, indeed, it was invisible ink. Monique returned to her seat and left Heather thinking about her undername. 

Flake turned in her direction and tried to, at least, find out her undername by looking at her hand strokes. He was against Eva Lee's rules-- technically, he's against it because Heather is playing. The worst part, they will be fighting against each other without knowing who's who, so Flake's afraid that he might unknowingly injure her. He wants to win so he won't disappoint everyone, especially himself, but not by hurting her physically. 

Heather finally thought of a name and placed the tip of the pen on the paper. Flake quickly had his eyes ready to read what she wrote. In rough cursive, Heather wrote her undername and smiled. Flake, from a distance, didn't catch anything and only recognized curvy lines. He got pissed and proceeded to read his book.

Heather smiled to herself and said her name in her head. Psyche. 


Gaaahh update!! I'm on my way to finish my exams so I can update everyday starting tomorrow😞 Please bear with me you guys🥺 I'll give many updates when school ends💖

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