⚔Chapter 33: Time's running out?

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Heather decided to get her nose out of Flake and Firo's conversation and asked Maya to take her back to the dorm. "So, is it true? You're not from here?" She didn't know how to respond to Maya's question.

"Can I really tell you, Maya? You won't tell this anyone else?" Maya readied herself and nodded. "Well, yes I am. Flake's assumptions were right. I am human."

Maya's eyes were shaking. She stood there, petrified and confused. "How... No, you're joking right now, aren't you? All the portals are closed. How, how on earth could you get here? I mean, only creatures like us can be in Parailla. That's impossible, Heather."

"No, Maya. I really am not from here." Even with Heather's words, Maya still shook her head and sat on the bed. "I didn't know about this world at first but Firo took me here."

"Firo?! That unthoughtful moron—"

"Maya, hear me out first." Heather sat beside her. "I was chased by this assassin back in my world. That person kills royalties and I'm one of those royal kids. I'm a princess in the human world so my life is always at risk. That night, I had nowhere else to go until Firo caused this pendulum clock to open and he let me in."

"I seriously cannot believe this. So that's why you said you still don't know about your powers. You're completely powerless." Heather nodded at Maya's realization. "That's why you wanted to get out of Hinker so badly."

"Exactly. I'm not special like everyone else so if they find me out—"

"Then why didn't Firo send you back as soon as he can? You said there was a portal?"

Heather sighed. "The portal closes when school starts, according to him. When I got in, it was exactly the last minute before school started in Parailla. Firo and I decided that I should stay here until the school ends without anyone knowing what I really am, and where I'm really from."

"That's what he said to Chase. You were really leaving...like...leaving, for real, literally." Heather sighed and nodded. "Now I understand it." Maya worriedly looked at Heather. "I get it why you didn't tell us in the first place. But now that I know about your secret, you must never let anyone else find out. I'm already associated with you so if things go wrong, I'll have my life on the line too. Firo shouldn't let Flake know about this too."

"Why? Because he's a vampire?"

"No, not just because he's a vampire. Flake can always use that to control you. He can always break the promise he made of keeping it a secret. That guy hides everything behind a mask. You never know, he may look and sound sincere at some point but he could be hiding his sinister smiles. He can play dirty however he wants. That's how they work."

Morning came and Maya and Heather were off to school, acting like they hadn't had their conversation last night. They entered the classroom and sat separately. Heather looked around and her eyes landed on Flake's back. I wonder what Firo told him. She thought as she takes out one of the books about Parailla's creatures from her stack of books.

She was minding her own business until Flake angrily stood up and dragged his chair towards her. The whole class toned the noise down and looked at them. Maya quickly stood up to take Heather away but Flake sensed her coming and made a table block her way. "What do you think are you doing?!" Heather furiously asked.

Just in time, Gracie Violet was about to go inside the room but after seeing Flake with Heather, she took a step back and observed through the window. 

"Nothing has ever made me this perplexed for a long time. I want to know who and what you are so bad." Flake said with his piercing stares. Heather was leaning away, afraid that he might see through her. 

Gracie outside had it and barged inside the room. She grabbed Heather's hair and pulled her to the corner of the room. "Who do you think are you?!" She shouted, standing before the other. "You liked the attention, didn't you?"

"Gracie, get away from her!" Maya called and ran towards them. "Didn't you see what happened? Heather wasn't doing anything. Flake was the one who came to her. Stop making a scene, making it look like Heather's at fault!"

"This is none of your business Maya!" Gracie shouted and pushed her out of the way. "I'm talking to you. If I find you flirting with him again I won't hesitate to leave you expelled. Mark my words." She threatened. Gracie left with a strong glare at Heather who was breathing heavily.

"Heather." Maya came and checked on her. "Are you okay? Why didn't you say anything? You should've at least said something to defend yourself. Where's that Heather on our first day of school?" 

"I... I-I have to go." Heather quickly left the room running. She was on her way to the washroom when she accidentally bumped into Firo. She looked up to see his face and Firo recognized her puzzled expression.

"What happened to you?" Heather shook her head and continued running. Firo hesitated to follow her but after thinking she might do something bad, he turned around and followed her. "Heather!" He called and found her staring at herself in front of the mirror inside the washroom. "Heather?"

"What's happening?" She asked and faced him. "Why couldn't I move my lips a few seconds ago? Why... Why was I unwillingly stopped? I tried moving but why couldn't I?"

"What are you talking about? Did something happen?"

"Gracie Violet came at me and she furiously grabbed my hair. I wanted to get back at her but I couldn't move a single muscle! What the heck happened?!" She shouted and looked at her reflection again.

"Is it because you shouldn't be here?" Firo asked, getting her attention. "Maybe because your body couldn't adapt to Parailla's atmosphere?"

Heather sighed and looked at him. "So what happens if I stay here a bit longer? School just started. How long do I have? I won't be able to go back, will I?" She worriedly asked.

Instead of giving her an answer, Firo came closer and hugged her. "You will go back and I promise you that. I'll do whatever it takes to bring you home so don't worry."


Update!! I'll check comments tomorrow because I'm sleepy😅 By the way, I'm planning to make this vector art(?) of the main characters so that you'll get their vibes and auras, hopefully🤧 

I hope you liked the chapter and I'll be back with another next time🥰 Love you all!! Take care, stay safe and good luck with everybody's studies🤍


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