⚔Chapter 74: Past in a kaleidoscope

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Heather slowly gained consciousness three days after the black witches' attack. Good thing Firo brought her in Master Woora's place before the witch's magic consumed her.

She looked around and recognized the same room they put her in when she accidentally found Acquives. She slowly raised her arm and found it bandaged. The fall must've broken her arm since she can't move it freely. "Is anybody here?" She softly asked.

The room was dark and empty, with only the ray of sunlight passing through the thin curtains lighting it. Heather used her fine left arm to push herself to sit. She turned to the window to see if there was someone outside. "Firo," She muttered when she found him sitting on the ground.

What happened that day flashed again. He turned the witch into stone, and his eyes were pink. He's indeed the prince.

Heather walked towards the door and opened it. Before she could call his name, Firo quickly stood up and assisted her. "Are you feeling better? You should be resting," He said with such worry.

Heather looked at him with many emotions rushing in. She was thankful because he saved her. She was mad at him for making her look like a fool. She was sad because she knew the things he had to give up to live. But what dominated was her fear of the prophecy coming true--that his powers will be the death of him. "Will you be okay?" She asked. "You don't feel like you're dying, right?"

Firo sighed and brought her back inside. "You should worry about yourself first. Are you hungry? I'll see if Master Woora left something--"

"I'm fine. I'm not hungry. I just want you to explain how... All this time, it was just you?" Firo sighed and looked away. "Why didn't you show any signs? I was determined to find that lost prince. It turns out it was just you. You made me look like a blind idiot looking for something that's just in front of her."

"I tried showing myself the best I could." Heather furrowed her brows. "I showed you myself back in the forest. I thought you'd figure it out. There was only the both of us in that place. Everyone else left."

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

"I couldn't. I had to do everything that's written in that prophecy so I would be able to take you back before the worst happens. You wanted to know who the prince was so bad. I just wanted you to see the prince you're looking for at least once before you leave...because I thought you wouldn't find out. And Hinker too. Did you ever wonder how a mere flyer can take on a hundred powerful creatures? How did you think I won the game?"

Heather looked back at that memory and felt disappointed at herself for not thinking of that. "But how? How did Margaret and Wiggins have you? What did you mean when you said Flake had to deceive everyone? I need to know how it all came to this."

He carefully pulled her to the couch to sit. He knew it's gonna be a long story. "Margaret was the queen's midwife. My parents knew about the prophecy before I came, and their plan was to let Margaret and Wiggins take me as their child. Margaret couldn't say no. They spread rumors that the queen's midwife was too old and died of old age so they won't suspect Margaret. They raised me and made me who I am now. They lost their first daughter, so they gladly accepted me when my mother asked them a favor."

"I knew it was twisted," She quietly said. "And Flake? What did he do?"

"Flake was the first friend I had. He was bright and cheerful. That's why I liked hanging out with him. One day, we bumped into each other in front of Hawk's Cottage. He said he wanted to ask me something important. The owners of the place took us in and fed us with pastries. Flake loved them, but I didn't. I had to pretend that I liked them too so he won't feel bad. We were set off track because of the food, and the next thing we know was the magfiers chasing after us."

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