When they are badly injured so you help them wash themselves

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He will feel embarrassed and awkward, telling you you don't have to do this. When you gave him a smile and assured him you are happy to help, he just felt even more embarrassed as he awkwardly pulled his legs closer to himself, muttering a thank you for helping him.


He will be feeling awkward, nervously laughing and saying he can just wait until he's healed to take a bath by himself. When you told him that would take days and by then he will be an awful smelling mess, he groaned and said you are right and let you help him. Every time you came near his wounds, he would let out a weird laugh and lean away.


He just relaxed, his head hanging back with his eyes closed. When you were done washing him and massaged his shoulders, he couldn't help but laugh, telling you that you are pampering him too much. He trusted you enough not to lean away whenever you came near his wounds, trusting you not to press them and hurt him.


He will feel a bit awkward but try to relax. When you got too close to his crotch, he automatically pulled his legs closer to his body, almost hitting you in the face with his knee, awkwardly laughing out that he can clean that part himself. He doesn't normally mind that but he's badly injured so he doubts he can do anything sexual without being in pain.


He will keep making sexual jokes and innuendoes. He joked that his friends would be so jealous since he has such a caring lover who pampers while they don't. He will teasingly ask you if you don't need to wash his thighs, only to laugh when you gave him unimpressed eyes and told him to wash that area himself.


He assured you you don't have to do it but you insisted and he didn't see any harm in it os he let you. He just relaxed, happy to finally have such a relaxing moment since his life is a stressful mess. When you were finished, he took your hand and gave your knuckles a kiss, thanking you.

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