You return from deployment and surprise them

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I watched Band of Brothers so now we have this chapter and a big probability of more war/soldier-related scenarios coming up.


He was exiting the bar, having just finished up a task he was given. He yawned, stretching, deciding he should go home and get some sleep. He debated if he should stop by a store and get something easy to eat, but that thought left his mind quickly when he saw someone in military uniform approaching him. It took him a second and then his eyes widen, gasping your name.

You watched Tommy walk to you in a hurry, trying to keep his excitement under control as you are both in public but his big grin said enough. Once close enough he pulled you into a hug, gasping your name once again then welcoming you back. You held him back, taking in his familiar scent you have been missing so much. Once the hug was over he ushered you to the car, telling you to tell him how it was, but the look in your eyes and the way your smile fell made him quickly change it to asking if you are hungry and that he was gonna get some food. The drive he felt awkward as he didn't know what to ask or say, and you were still the same yet also not. The look in your eyes was different, it has seen things that he couldn't imagine. But once you had the food you been craving since you left he laughed as you basically just shoved it down, assuring you nobody is gonna steal it so you can eat relaxed. He was itching to ask if you will go back to fight for this new war but he kept it inside as he didn't want to ruin this nice reunion with asking such heavy questions, like he almost had in the car. He will first do all the things he had on his mental bucket list of things he wants to do with you then start worrying about the bad and serious stuff.


He came home, exhausted and aching. Every time he goes through such chaos with Sam and Tommy he just tells himself you have it harder so he can't complain. His nose crunched up and down few times, sniffing the air. It smelled great. Rushing to the stove he saw a warm meal being prepared. His first thought was to wonder if someone got the wrong apartment, somehow it wasn't immediately think it's danger. His head snapped around at the creak of wood from the bathroom, and then a person he didn't think he would be seeing yet, or maybe even ever again, walked out.

You looked at him with an innocent, confused look as you dried your hair off with a towel. But then a chuckle came from you, telling him you thought he would be returning later so would have more time to prepare everything. You couldn't even preoperly finish because he ran and slammed against you causing you to take a few steps back. He held you tightly, breathing in your scent, grasping at your damp shirt; everything doing to be certain you are truly here and he's not imagining this from exhaustion and stress. Once certain he held you tightly and didn't move. He's not sure why but tears just began sliding down. You didn't judge or speak, just held him back and rubbed his back. Eventually you did have to break it, announcing the food's gonna burn. He mumbled he doesn't care but you gently moved him off and went to go check on the food. Soon both were seated at the table, a proper warm meal between you two, and even though he didn't have one in a long time he didn't care for it. He just stared at you, asking you questions, completely forgetting the food before him.


He was having a smoke as he returned from the store, just having gotten some things to throw together a sandwich, not really eating warm meals now as he doesn't want to do all that energy for just himself and he wants to enjoy the next warm meal with his lover. It sucks, he should be able to come home to your warm embrace, not the cold loneliness of en empty place.

Suddenly an arm looped around his and all froze for him, wondering what the fuck this person is doing. As the words left his mouth and he took steps away, tugging his arm away; he was quick to freeze in movement and tone. All you could do was chuckle at his reaction, asking if he missed you. But he put a hand to your cheek, just staring at you; as if not believing it then mumbled curses. He gripped your cheek then got a big smile, slapping it softly, saying your ass made it through causing you to laugh and say you did. He slid his hand from your cheek to the back of your head, pulling you forward then wrapping his other arm around you as well. He held you tight with a breath he didn't realize he had been holding finally blowing out; so much weight suddenly lifting off his chest. He always feels so annoyed and stressed, but now he forgot about all of that and felt so relieved and happy, such a weird feeling he hasn't felt in what feels like ages.

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