When his friends joke about you

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If you are comfortable with his friends joking about you, he won't mind. If you aren't comfortable, he will awkwardly ask the two to stop the jokes because you don't like it that much.


It depends on his mood really. If he's in a good mood, he will joke along. If he's in a bad mood, he will frown and tell the two to watch it and not joke like that about someone.


He knows Paulie very good, so he's okay when Paulie makes a joke about you, as long as it doesn't offend you. The first few times when Tommy did it when he was new, Sam would point and tell him to watch it, but eventually the two became better friends and he was more okay with Tommy joking along with Paulie about you.


Obviously Joe jokes about you a lot, but then again, Joe jokes about everyone so Vito knows it's nothing to take too serious. Only when Joe goes a little too far, he will slap Joe's chest with the back of his hand, telling him not to cross the line because that's his lover he's talking about.


He will just laugh along. As long as it's innocent and no harm is done, he's fine with it. But if it crosses a line, he will go serious, telling Vito or Henry to watch themselves because that's his lover and he doesn't appreciate such jokes being made about you.


If it's Joe, he will roll his eyes and ignore Joe. If it's Vito, he will give him unimpressed eyes, saying he expected this of Joe but not him. But then he huffed and asked who he's kidding because he knew the two would make jokes about you and him the second he told them you both are together.

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