If you have bad blood circulation

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Requested by: Kyoto_Nekito


He asked a few people at work if they know any tips and Luigi said a lot of water should help so Tommy was quick to buy you a lot of water bottles, saying Paulie told him this should help so try to drink enough each day. If you need a massage, he will glady give one while talking to you about something.


He asked around with a few people he knew and he found out different things, which he all wrote down on a paper. So he came back home, showing you the paper, saying he asked around and this is what should help. So both tested a few out. Exercise, massages, a lot of water, elevating your legs. When you said you think they are helping a little, he gave you a big grin, happy he was able to help out.


He doesn't have a clue what even helps with that and it's an issue with your body, not his, so he doesn't know what helps you or what you even expect from him. He will try to help by doing little things like if you say you are cold, he will toss a blanket your way. He did ask Paulie what helps but Paulie shrugged so Sam just hummed and continued working.

Vito: (Compression socks were invented in 1950)

He will make you go for morning jogs with him or do small stuff like jumping jacks or push ups with him, saying exercise is important and it's supposed to help with blood circulation. One day he burst in, saying he heard about these new things that should help you, compression socks and explained to you about them. When you told him that's very expensive though, sounds weird and uncomfortable, and who knows if it even helps, he shrugged and said might as well test it and not to worry about the price since he will take care of that.


When you are cold and there is no blanket around, he will give you a big bear hug so you can warm up using his warmth. When your nails brittle and you complain about it, he will chuckle and take them to take a look at them, saying a simple manicure and you won't even know it.


When you are cold, he will get you a blanket. When you need a massage, he will give you a massage. He doesn't know a lot about this so he will just do what he knows helps you and what you ask him to do. He did try to find out more about it but he didn't know where to even start. While he was shot and at the doctor, he did ask through pained groans what helps with bad blood circulation, making the doctor give him a confused raised eyebrow so Henry added his lover has it and he wishes to help. When the doctor told him to focus on surviving the bullet wound first, Henry groaned but sighed out a "fine" and decided to ask again later, after his wound is taken care of.

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