When they find you cutting yourself/trying to kill yourself

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WARNINGS: mentions of wishing to commit suicide, self-harm, razors, blood, guns.


Tommy came home, expecting to see some dinner on the stove, but there was no food, nor was his lover there. He called your name, walking around the house. When he glanced in the bedroom, he didn't see you so he wanted to walk away, only to stare at the blood spots on the floor which made his heart quicken. He immediately reached for his gun, yelling your name. He wanted to run around, only to freeze when he heard your voice. He stared at the bathroom before he pushed the door open, staring as you sat on the bath tub edge, blood rolling down your arms. All he could do was stare in shock. When tears rolled down your face and you cried out you tried to kill yourself but stopped last second, he was quick to drop his gun, not caring about it, before he took your face in his hands, tears forming in his eyes as he asked you in a whisper why. When you shrugged and said everything is awful, he told you in a shaky voice that doing this isn't gonna help you at all before he pulled you in a hug, crying out that you should have come to him instead of doing this. When you cried out you are sorry, he shook his head, tightening his embrace in an assuring way that everything will be okay soon.


He was wearing for some clean clothes, so he opened the bedroom to see you crying on the floor. He wanted to ask what's wrong, only to stare in terror as blood covered your wrists with a razor in your trembling hand. He had to put his hand on the wall to steady himself, asking in a shaky voice what you are doing. When you looked at him with fear and apology, he hurried to you, falling on his knees before hugging you, telling you with stutters that will be okay. He glanced at your wrists only to cringe and look away, unable to look at that before he got up, hurrying to the bathroom with trembling legs. He took a towel then returned to you, shakingly handing it to you, telling you to clean up the blood before he hurried to the telephone, calling Tommy, telling him in a hurry to come pick him up and drive him to the doctor. While he waited, he held you, whispering it's okay, feeling like the worst boyfriend for not having known you were doing this and not having seen the signs that you are not okay.


He came home, greeting you as you were washing your hands. When you shakingly greeted him back, he stared before he narrowed his eyes, asking you if something is wrong. When you shook your head, he walked over, gripping your arm to turn you to him only to stare at all the blood you were trying to wash off your wrists. His grip softened as he looked at you with a "why?" expression along with shock and fear. When you cried and said you are sorry, he shook his head, muttering not to apology before he took some paper towels and helped you clean the blood. But the blood didn't stop which scared him greatly, especially when you leaned against him and your legs became shaky, so he wrapped his arm around you, throwing the bloody paper towels on the counter and helping you walk to the front door, saying he's immediately driving you to the doctor because this is not good.


He was exhausted so he went to the bedroom the second he got home. He had done his job quickly so he was home earlier than expected. He tried to open the bedroom door, but it didn't open. He knocked on it, saying your name, asking why the door's locked. He sighed, thinking you must just be changing, so he walked to the kitchen, only to stare as a the sharpest knife in the kitchen was gone. He immediately felt as if something was wrong, his lover isn't responding, the door is locked and a knife is missing. He ran back to the bedroom door, yelling your name, kicking the door until it finally slammed open. When he saw you on floor, he yelled your name and fell on his knees, tugging his jacket off and tightly wrapping it around your wrists with trembling hands, stuttering out you are okay. He had seen many people die, but this one was the scariest one ever. He scooped you up in his arms and ran outside, putting you carefully in the car, whispering you will be okay, giving your forehead a quick kiss before he jumped into the driver seat and drove like an insane man. He went to the hospital, he didn't care for safety, his lover had their wrists sliced open, all he cares about is that his lover is alive again. When the nurse told him you will be okay, he let out the biggest sigh of relief he had ever let go, thanking her before asking if he may see you, begging in his mind that he may see you.


He came home, groaning at the party mess he didn't bother cleaning this morning. He walked past the coffee table, only to stare at it, having a feeling that broken bottle wasn't there this morning. He chuckled, loudly calling your name, asking if you knocked over this bottle as he pulled his jacket. When he got no reply, he frowned and walked to the bathroom, opening the door, only to stare at the blood on the floor. He looked up to meet your panicked eyes as your hand was tightly clenching your wrist, which had blood pouring down it. When you cried out you don't know what to do, he cursed before he snatched a towel, moving your hand and pressing the towel on it, asking you what the hell you think you are doing while he slams the bathroom cupboard open, pushing everything aside to snatch the medical supplies. He poured some disinfection medicine on it making you hiss in pain, which he ignored, focused on getting your wounds as clean as possible. He messily bandaged it, telling you you will both have a long talk later, now just get in the car so he can drive you to the doctor.


He came home, opening the drawer where he hides his gun, only to see it wasn't there. He stared at it, having this bad feeling, remembering how sad you have been looking lately, so he shouted your name, asking where you are while hurrying through the house. He found a door locked so he slapped it, yelling to open the fucking door. When you opened it, he noticed the gun in your hand so he snatched it, angrily asking in a yelling tone why the hell you have this and what you were planning with this. When he saw how scared you looked of him, tears sliding down your face, he rubbed his face, letting out a shaky breath before he wrapped his arms around you, whispering he's sorry for shouting. He would lecture you, but he knew that wasn't what you need now, what you need now is his comfort/assurance.

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