Thank You <3

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Jeez, I'm not good at this..What do I say?
Well, uh, first of all, thank you! Yeah, I really appreciate that you guys reading this story all the way to the end! I've had many writer's blocks and many periods where I just wasn't able to write anything due to my life being busy.
I never thought that I would write such a long story with so many filler chapters. Really, I made so many of them.. O~O
Neither did I think that it would take me THREE DAMN YEARS to finish this!
But I had a lot of fun in the process :'D
I have felt many emotions while writing it and I can still feel them while reading some chapters. Also, I think it really helped me pass time without wasting it. Writing turned into a hobby before I even realized it and three years later I finished my first ever story..

I'm not crying y'all, it's Namjoon cutting onions like a clumsy boy as usual! :'D

To be honest I'm still not satisfied with this story, but when will I ever be, right? I still have Loveless Marriage and many more stories to publish and finish! Three years is more than enough time to spend on a single story. :P
Anyways, thank you! Really!
Every single read is greatly appreciated. I didn't even think I would reach 1k reads! When I saw that I was baffled. :x
Thank you so, so, soooo much for reading this till the end. :3
I'll end this here now. Time for you to read another fanfiction of your favorite artists. :P
Bye bye!


Fantasy Love - Rewritten - M.Y.G. x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz