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[A/n: The title describes me 😂😂👌]

Y/n's POV:

The empty house welcomes you and Yoongi and you see all the trash and dirty clothes all over the place.

Shit..How did I not notice that.

"Ahahah, I was busy lately so, hahah, don't look at this mess. I'll clean it if we have some time left after packing my stuff, hah.." You say as you walk to your room. You grab your years old but still fashionable suitcase and open your closet.

"How's the weather over there?"

"Hmm, you should have a few hoodies and a warm coat for sure. Since it's almost winter you should take a scarf with you."

"I don't wear scarfs."

"Why don't you wear them? It's so handy."

"I don't like my neck too covered."

"Hmm, comes in handy." Yoongi says and you roll your eyes as you drop your clothes in your suitcase. You grab a few pairs of shoes and your soaps for in the shower along with your toothbrush and toothpaste.

"I should take my sketchbook with me. Should I take my laptop too?"

"A laptop won't be needed there. Just take some drawing stuff with you." The boy smiles as he scans through your still open closet.

"Hmm, you're right. I'll get my pencils in the living room."

"Uhuh. Don't forget your phone charger!" You hear him yell as you walk through the hallway. You meet the pig stall again and you frown at it.

I should put all those clothes in the washing machine..

You grab all your clothes and throw them in the machine in the bathroom. After walking back to the living room you grab your pencil case and charger. You go back to your room and see Yoongi just sitting down on your messy bed.

"Ieeh, don't sit down yet!" You quickly say and drop your stuff in the suitcase. You put the loaded case down on the ground and Yoongi looks confused at you. You make the bed and reposition your cushions to the right place.

"Now you can sit down.." You speak and go back to your suitcase. You sit on it after closing it to zip it closed.

"Okay that's done! Now clean this pig stall before actual pigs get attracted to it." 

"Pfft! Do you need help?" The boy on your bed asks while holding his laugh and you scoff.

"Tch, no thanks. I'm a legend in cleaning a stall, you know."

"I guess so. It seems like a normal thing to do, lol." You smile and wink at him to eventually stand up again and go back to the living room. You begin with the kitchen and then go to the living room and the hallway. The bathroom follows after that and you laugh at Yoongi while you clean because he peeks at you from time to time to check how things go.

"How many times will you check upon me? You're free to eat and watch tv you know?"

"Oh, I know! I'm just not in the mood for that."

"Do whatever you want, Yoongs. But I won't let my guest clean my mess."

"Wasn't it babe now?" The boy speaks while leaning against the door entrance. You stop your actions and turn your head to Yoongi.

"What?" He asks with a smirk and you turn your whole body to him.

"I'm used to calling you Yoongs and it's kinda..I don't know how to describe how it is for me to call you babe. By the way, it's a common nickname."

Fantasy Love - Rewritten - M.Y.G. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now